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Faraday's left hand rule

A cool gang hand sign Dr Dara O' Hogan taught his physics class in oaks park high school, used to refer to the good old days when Dr O' Hogan used to teach physics (he was a good guy but he couldn't teach to save his life (nobody learnt anything))

Ay yo waagwan famz, #ripdrohogansjobatoaks *does Faraday's left hand rule*

by KaboobaLEES September 29, 2017

Mahoney's Rule Clapback

When somebody uses the phrase "Mahoney's Rule" you can say Mahoney's Rule Clapback to defer the other person's statements and avoid any further conversation.

Grace-"Mahoney's Rule you need to say it"
Peter-"Actually Mahoney's Rule Clapback"

by mahoneysrulehater February 6, 2020

Kelly’s Rule of Inquiry

If you ask the top people for their opinions first, you won’t get effective advice from the people below them.

A group of people can be asked to make a decision and will march off in a direction they never would have taken by themselves.

When doctors are preparing to perform brain surgery on your wife, pull the top surgeons and physicians into a breakroom with residents and other medical staff and ask the people on the lowest rungs of the profession for their opinions on the surgery first.

Source: Astronaut Mark Kelly, husband of former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, in 2014 at the annual Visitor Industry Luncheon at the Sioux Falls Convention Center
“I learned you do not want to ask the space shuttle commander, the flight director, the chief engineer or program manager his opinion first. If you do, you don’t get effective advice from the people below them.”

At Los Alamos, visitors Niels Bohr and brother Harald obeyed Kelly’s Rule of Inquiry by running their ideas on the current work by Richard Feynman before asking anyone higher up.

by WhatwasIsaying January 25, 2025

rule of 90

The rule of 90 is referring to the appropriate number of certain things you'd need if a civil or worldly crisis were to occur and you'd be put into a survival situation.

For instance if a zombie apocalypse were to occur through the rule of 90 you'd need food to last atleast 90 days, a fire arm with atleast 90 rounds of ammunition, water to last 90 days and a map which shows atleast 90 miles squared of the surrounding area.

Again if you survived a plain crash through the rule of 90 you'd need to find supplies to last 90 days, you'd wait by the crash sight for 90 days to be rescued, when setting up a shelter you'd set it no more than 90,000 metres away from the crash sight.

And so on

by 5mi1e5 August 5, 2014

EA Catch-up Rule

When you are playing a video game and dominating the other team then suddenly the other team starts making a comeback very easily.

Originates from EA Sports where this phenomenon was first noticed.

I was winning 5-0 on Rocket League until the EA Catch-up Rule kicked in and the other team came back to tie in the final minutes.

by JYoTX January 16, 2017

Pokémon rule

When you hold a leverage towards something you think you can beat, then throw in something you don’t know you can beat

Cody Rhodes was about to challenge Seth Rollins at WrestleMania 40, but turned his back at that match and introduced the Pokémon rule saying “I choose you Roman Reign!”

by MFNLGZ February 13, 2024

Pokémon rule

The Pokémon rule is when someone says that they pick one of two options and then say “I choose you!”

Cody Rhodes said he wasn’t going to go to wrestlemania against Roman Reigns, only to say at a later date“I choose you Roman Reigns!” Putting in a fake out Pokémon move meant that they picked one of two options and said “I choose you!” Like a fake out and the Pokémon rule

by MFNLGZ February 13, 2024