Zoe's have a big heart for her loved ones and animals. If you are lucky enough to deserve their love they always let you know they care. Zoe is a good listener and I always walk away from talking with Zoe with a new and brighter perspective. Zoe has been through a lot but she carries it with grace. She is sometimes guarded with her emotions but it comes from a fear of not wanting to burden others or make them feel uncomfortable. Zoe's are extremely emotionally intelligent. Zoe is always effortlessly gorgeous and well put together. Even if she is going through a rough time, she perseveres and exudes strength. Zoe will give the shirt off her back when someone she loves is in need. If you are blessed with a Zoe, you always think of them fondly and feel lucky to be their friend. Zoe is cool as hell but also approachable because under that too cool for school exterior lies a super nerd who is a secret academic and also she knows more about horses than horses do. Zoe is The Best!
Dang! You are friends with Zoe?!? Lucky you! She is the coolest! Zoe (no "y") means Awesome
It is a short Way of typing 'why though'
Honestly, I think ppl use this cause they can't spell 'though'
Anna: "I shaved my eyebrows!"
Alexa: "Y tho?"
When two Ogres are about to get it on ;)
Fiona: do you wanna get ogre-y? ;)
Shrek: ohhh yeaaaaah
When your trying to makes lines for a fnaf fan game your making and William Afton is phone guy....this can also apply to anything that tries to intimate William Afton
Person A: Hey i made up those lines.....is it Afton-Y enough...
Person: B Nah it needs some tweaks
(Rnw@y = Runaway) Song Made By Nu-Metal Band Linkin Park
Track 14 on Reanimation Is Rnw@y (Runaway)
A book for young adults, and adults too. Soon to be an amazing hit, written by the best mom in the whole entire world. Great novel, but not finished yet.
"Hey what are you reading"
"Mico Y"
'Woah that book is amazing, I read it!"
"I know I love it"
"Can't wait for Mico Y 2!"
a strange contraption of people
featuring cyem, cyarn, quitch and baj
very odd bunch
extreme hatred of sandies and sandles
based at the GYGT, the Y Gang often go out to see their old friend crunchy Chewbacca but not anymore. RIP Crunchy - 21.05.19 - 12.07.20
'omg did you see the Y Gang yesterday?'
'yes! they looked so fashionable in their BaGgY jEaNs'
'I wonder where they were off to?'
'probably the GYGT!'