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complete and utter trash. kill on sight

stop being ben?

by mega cancer October 26, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Has the biggest wang on the planet. Has a special talent for making women aroused at any given moment.

Omg who is that over there.
Holy shit he just got me aroused, he must be a Ben.

by Hornygirl1210 January 18, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


a sad deplorable excuse for a human being that spends his free time doing the lamest shit that nobody understands. he spends his time chatting up random dudes that he meets and loses interest after a few days. afflicted with a severe case of commitment issues. will break up with you after getting bored of you. obsessed with politics and talks about nothing but politics. a condescending piece of shit who is a self-declared tea snob.

"hey ben, do you want to come watch a movie with us?"
ben: "sorry, i'm talking to this dude i have a 'thing' with and afterwards i'm going to my weird ass meeting for future political science majors"
"dude get a fucking life"

by bitter&petty October 17, 2016

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Another word for a 10 Bit(10th of an ounce)

"Oi mate, do you wanna go halves on a benn?"
"Yer man safe."

by Charley T June 3, 2007

94๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the worlds most annoying people you could ever meet . Ben usually has a tiny penis and no personality. This person is stubborn , arrogant and very difficult to hang out with

John- I had to work with Ben yesterday in Business Studies
James- Holy shit .. I'm sorry , that sucks

by TM-04-03-2000 March 6, 2017

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He is an amazing person and can win anyone over. He is very attractive and amazing at sports like soccer and baseball. He matches with Kaleb and Ashton. "Hey did you see Ben and Kaleb they're hot as shit!" He is humble and is never involved in drama.

"Ben is sooooo hot"

by FHHHHHHYYUU March 20, 2019

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Usually weighs more but is very kind. Hates reading but once he gets in to a book he can't stop. Usually an introvert but makes a lot of friends, does a lot of stupid stuff with those friends. Lots of girls hate him and think he is stupid or don't like his sense of humour but he doesn't care because he knows that he still has a chance to meet the girl of his dreams. Other than that a genuinely nice & funny person.

"Ben is so nice he gave me his last pancake." "And he gave me a book that he had finished reading"

by Zor_Tex April 29, 2018

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