Having the audacity to ask average people to provide the resources and/or means while having both in abundance.
Did you see the video of Oprah and The Rock using their celebrity privilege to request people make donations to the Maui relief effort
When you live in or around mansions (or mcmansions) for most of your life that you forgot what regular houses look like and think that everyone lives in a mansion.
No, not everyone lives in a mansion... you have mansion privilege!
the ability to be a genius without trying and or intense education
that asian guy has a 4.375 all because of asian privilege.
A person has ambiguous white privilege when they are confirmed by a DNA test as European, but, usually in the US, they are thought to be mixed, middle eastern, Mexican, etc. Usually happens to individuals of black Irish descent.
Megan Fox has ambiguous white privilege due to her looks. However, it seems not to matter too much as she’s a celebrity/
When someone who owns a BMW, Mercedes or Audi feels that not only do they have the right to pull out in front of you in traffic without signaling , take your parking spot that you have been waiting for or pull around you at the gas line at Costco and jump you at the pump.
Wow did you see that Cayenne ? it crossed over 3 lanes with zero f**ks given it must be Premium Car Privilege thinking that the blinker comes on automatically . No but at Costco this lady pulled around me and cut me off at the pump and when I confronted her she said " well I need gas too I just didn't feel like waiting".
The ability to live in a small town in the United States, go to the local bars, and become a global expert at everything. Everything is inclusive to geopolitical events, foreign policy, matters of government, and military affairs. Generally speaking it is the same privilege as armchair quarterbacking an entire situation for which you have no involvement or experience in.
Man, that podunk town of Deposit, NY has some small-town privilege to it. Same people, same bars, and some inexperienced opinions about the rest of the world.
Kakao Privilege is a myth created by HYBE fans to undermine the hardwork and achievement of groups debuting under middle grade korean entertainment companies which shares are bought by Kakao Entertainment
IVE is succesful because of Kakao Privilege