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National Respect Milton Day

A day when you respect all Miltons in the world.

The day is on May 31:st to may 30:th

bro its national Respect Milton day today!


by subscribe to allanime 2019 October 9, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

i respect the fuck out of that

that thing that nick desilvio says all the time

Me β€œI can dance with a cup on my booty”
Nick β€œ I respect the FUCK out of that”

by Bigbootyjudyisnudey April 16, 2020

i respect the fuck out of that

that thing people named nick say all the time.


Me β€œ I can keep a cup on dat booty while shaking dat ass”
Nick β€œ I respect the FUCK out of that”

by Bigbootyjudyisnudey April 16, 2020

Respect short people day

This day will take place on 23rd October (Friday) and you must respect short people day and if you don’t people will not respect you!

Yo luckas do you want a free coke, it’s β€˜respect short people day’ πŸ€ πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ

by Luckas u prick :)) October 19, 2020

press f to pay respect

An action in a funeral in CoD: AW when ur best friend died

Some random cmt on youtube: this guy died yesterday, press f to pay respect.

by Daufq da Gamer May 7, 2017

National Respect Ash Day

Today is the day to respect people with the name "Ash" and that day is on July12th

"Guys its National Respect Ash Day!"

by swagisnotpog July 12, 2021

Respectful Caucasian Folk Hours

The alternate for Real Nigga Hours but for respectful White gentlemen during the same time as Real Nigga Hours and also during 11:30-5:30 PM

"Did you each brunch during Respectful Caucasian Folk Hours today"? "Indeed good sir and it was quite tasty". " Ha ha indeed"!

by Jmoney$$814 March 24, 2016