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Open a Box of Butt Magic

To blatantly let out a loud dank nasty FART! i.e. To pass gas.

*you smell a dirty fart stench in the air then ask...*
"Who just totaly opened a box of butt magic in here?!"
"heads up..Im about to open a box of butt magic"

by Derek Simons aka D-rock aka Sir Danks November 11, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

3 piece finger box

When you jam 3 chicken tenders up a willing woman's vagina and proceed to remove and eat them.

Dude what a skank I can't believe she let you give her a 3 piece finger box. See also chicken linger

by Allison's giant bush January 26, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

rock ya snot box

to hit someone in they face; sneek

Devin: darkness every body darkness is spreading
Akkeem: yo dev dont make me rock ya snot box

by Sha Boy Devdogg June 1, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get your own box

reference to Cheez-It commercial in which greedy motherfathers are instructed to stop moochin and procure their own delicious cheese snacks

In hip circles, refers to people needing to raise up off deez and get their own style, own man, own clothes and own fucking Cheeze-Its

1. Mom to Daughter: Hey Becky - lemme wear you new sweater.
Daughter: Dont think so Moms - you betta get your own box!

2. Friend #1: Damn your man *is* fine.
Friend #2: Yeah he's fine and he's mine so you needs to be
gettin your own box, bitch.

by Amanda April 12, 2005

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Fuck Shit Bitch in the Box

This is simply another name for Jack in the Box.

"Man I'm hungry, lets go to fuck shit bitch in the box"

by big JP June 13, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

get your shine box

From the movie Goodfellas. Billie Bats tells Joe Pesci's character to "Go get your shine box" because he used to shine the gangsters shoes.

1: A way of putting someone in their place
2: Telling someone to go fuck themselves
3: Another way of saying "Fuck You" without saying "Fuck You"
4: Letting some one who thinks they are "big time" know you remember when they weren't shit.

Hillary: I am the new president of the United States.

Trump: Go get your shine box.

by Cal Naughton Jr. February 21, 2016

138๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

box car racer

Suck ass band. All you people who say blink-182 sucks don't know what ur missing.

Yesterday I went to a Box Car Racer concert. Today I killed myself.

by KaiserMonkey September 7, 2003

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