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to laze, chill, and generally do nothing

a: 'coming out for a pint or two later'
b: 'nah, been a heavy week, gonna spend the evenin moochin'

by Gurfy July 4, 2003

24šŸ‘ 3šŸ‘Ž


1) Continuance.. Say after How's It... Means go; say it after for good

1) Hows it moochin.. Moochin dude

by ben affleck December 14, 2004

4šŸ‘ 10šŸ‘Ž

moochin nigga

When a nigga is high and he tries to mooch. Moochin niggas will try and mooch anything: food, drinks, jackets, hats, and more. Moochin niggas are nice when they are sober but when they are high they become a real pain in the ass cause they always tryna mooch your shit.

Henry: Yo can i get some of those Kidd valley fries? Iā€™m hella hungry.

Me: Yo Henry chill out you just ate two orders of fries when we were in the restaurant and now you tryna mooch my shit? You really have become a moochin nigga.

by Moochinnigga123 August 16, 2019

moochin ass

When a person decides to use a friend for his or her own personal needs and habbits.

Put that drink up here come mookie moochin ass.

by 2R3AL4Y@L March 8, 2015