When you fuck someone with puke covering your dick/finger.
Probably not popular porn wise, but I just got it from Lucifer Valentine, who's probably dead. Rest in peace.
Lucifer: Man, gotta love puke-fucking, ey?
Interviewer: Uhhhh, yeah
When someone is completely blacked out, they can't control their vomit and at the last second they form a repository with their shirt to catch the uncontrolled flow of vomit. This usually occurs in a seated position indoors or in a car.
Person 1: Dude couldn't hold back the chunks in the backseat, but he was polite enough to form a puke canopy.
Person 2: Lucky, my buddy just chunked on my window thinking it was rolled down.
When your friend gurgles a strong liquour in an attempt to impersonate a submarine but instead proceeds to puke into a bowl, the floor, and even the wall before reaching the bathroom.
All this while making a drinking game out of watching high school musical.
David: "Here look at this" *gargles whiskey*
Friend: "ew why would you do that?"
David: "Look I'm a submarine" *gargle gargle*
Friend: ...
David: *Projectile vomits all the way through the corridor to the bathroom*
"Last night David totally did a High School Musical Tactical Puke Deluxe"
Life of Being a mom in two words
I am the mother of a puking baby
(n.) a quick move to avoid projectile vomit
(v.) to move quickly in an effort to avoid projectile vomit (puke juked, puke juking, puke jukes)
Did you see that sweet puke juke back there?! Not a drop on me!
Uh-oh, Christina looks a little woozy. Step back in case I have to puke juke her.
A person vomits in public. Another person gets disgusted by the sight and himself vomits. Then the next person, and the next, and the next... forming a sort of Domino-like chain reaction.
I saw this hobo soil himself on the tram, causing a huge wave of Domino puke.
a work of art truly worth being called a “ass.”
“Ayo have you seen Boruto? That shit is puke fiction.”