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Chav, is a derogatory term applied to certain young people that is usually heard in the United Kingdom. The stereotypical image of a chav is a white aggressive teen or young adult, of working class background, who wears branded sports and casual clothing, who often fights and engages in petty criminality, and are often assumed to be unemployed or in a low paid job. The word is believe to have arisen due to stereotypes portrayed in the British sketchshow 'Little Britain'.

Vicky Pollard from Little Britain is a chav.

by jmgroupe February 18, 2009

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An unfortunate sub-culture which is a waste of space and should be exiled

Not worthy of being called "British"

Also they'd rather spend money on a crappy old car than buy a new one

Chav-Lend me 10 bar, bruvva, WTF are you looking at?

British person-Get stuffed, you are the skidmark on the underpants of society! How many British soldiers died for pieces of shit like you! YOU'RE AN INSULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*chav showing off his banged-up 1980's Nova with a huge exhaust and black headlights, normal person drives past in a Jaguar*

by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall April 27, 2010

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Council Homed And Violent

chav: ex. burberry wearin

by benh08 March 28, 2008

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Faggots who act tight continually wear tracksuits, trainers, fake gold jewellery, caps(burberry normally) wear like a billion rings.. have pony tails on top of their heads.. listen to crap music mainly RAVE or RnB or watever have no self respect, are always fighting, complete THUGS, they steal and their idea of a good night is sitting in the park raving
the bit out with their cheap cider

Ha look at that big chav ..stealing their fake gold jewellery from Argos

by IHATECHAVS94 December 21, 2009

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A chav... is a strange creature that was not born in that way but was mutated at some point during their life into a burbary wearing, fast food scoffing, cigarette smoking monster who has no ambitions or dreams other than acting hard , having sex with any woman no matter how fugly and getting wasted ever Saturday off cheap cider...

Appearance: Usually they are easy to spot, aged around 8-18 (because after that age they get a grip), they usually wear burbary, or cheap imitation tracksuits with their trouser legs tucked into their imitation Nike or Adidas trainers. Usually the chav women have long hair tied in a side ponytail, so much makeup that you'd need a chisel to get it off and 2 times out of 10 they are pregnant. Often they have greasy skin and ridden with acne.

Habitat: Often they inhabit small dwellings on council estates in Britain and are very territorial, often hanging around their neighborhood, intimidating passers by and discussing "fitbirds" in their strange, ever changing language.

If there was a rare case of anybody actually Wanting to find chavs, for catching or hunting, the best place would probably be outside shops, in parks or in a place where people will have to walk through them or around.

The social structure of chavs can be greatly compared that of a Meercat. Often hanging out in groups of about 4-20 sometimes with one on the lookout for pigs. Despite acting hard and agressive making sounds such as "aare yuu startin bellend" or "aaare'll smash uur edd in" they are surprisingly timid creatures and unless they heavily outnumber you for example 20 to 1 they will usually just "scarper" at the first sign of conflict.

The first sign of this epidemic was in Chatham in kent where parents noticed their children becoming deformed, voices changing, skin becoming greasy and sense of fashion slowly degrading. Slowly it crept across the country now the whole of Britain is knee deep in "bellsniffs".

Chav 1: Ere mate i banged a rite fit bird last night

chav 2: Ye m8 but my bellend is like 2x bigga than uurs init
(stupid hand motion)

Chav 1: Screw u ya nobhead u aint even got a belend.
(man walks past them into the shop)

Chav 1: wat u fink u duin bellsniff?

Chav 2: Yea u queermo u gotta a prikin problem?

(man turns around and looks at them)

Chav 1: Scarpa!

(Chavs run off and after 15 minuits stop in a bus shelter)

Chav 1: arrrrr that pussi wo rite shittin imself

Chav 2: Yemate!

by Toobs March 15, 2008

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Chav is not a word for ALL teenagers. Chavs are caucasian and caucasian only!! The blacks who try to act "chav" are called coconuts. Chavs may try to act black funnily enough but the actual facts that remain is that chavs hate blacks and are very racist people. Chav culture is mostly dominant in Kent, once into London a black boy (african/asian/carribean woteva) will run up on him with a mac 10 and spray untill there is no more blood to bleed.
Chavs wear nike caps, not new era because new era costs ÂŁ30 which is ÂŁ30 way tooooo much for Chavs, fake tracks and reebok workouts. Also they have 9C gold jewellery from Swanley market or Dartfordand a fag. They drive chap cars too. A chav comes from a neighbourhood which has council flats however there is no problem of guns or drugs which they like to think there is.
Get it right - Swanley aint Peckham yerrr so u best not run ur mouf bludd.
Chavs also use 'boi' and 'mate' NOT 'bludd' or 'fam'.
Drum and bASS music too...not grime.

White boy riding in a vauxhall pull up side a nigga in a beamer, white boy pulls out two mates...nigga pulls out a mac...nigga wos a g...white boy wos a chav.

by Gat Strapped February 22, 2008

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Dictionary Definition: Homous Burberryus (i) Homous Burberryus, adj as in Chavlike or Chavish (ii)noun given to a social class group called the Chavs who are frowned upon by other classes; literal meaning: Council Housed And Violent (iii) noun the Normal-Normans group accuse anyone who looks like they like football or rap and call them it.

Also known as: Yobbs, Hooligans, Scum, ASBO Regulars, Vandals, Dope Scroungers, Neds, Townies, Kevs, Charvers, Steeks, Spides, Bazzas, Yarcos, Ratboys, Kappa Slappers, Skangers, Scutters, Janners, Stigs and Scallies.

Description: Means Council Housed And Violent. they are often mistaken for Townies who choose to follow in their culture but are really just puffs. They generally are known for: smoking, drug taking, drug dealing, vandalism, rowdy behavior, wearing Burberry and florescent clothes so a car won’t run them over when they occasionally dive into the road, wearing trainers, stealing and getting Anti Social Behavior Orders. They are generally quite violent and hang out in massive groups where there is a light, similar to its cousin species the moth. These moth/ape hybrid are intolerant of any kind of authority or order. They are found in cities and large towns where the crime rate is high. They are conscious of the fact there are other rivals that may not like them, so they hang out in big Gangs to stop someone kicking the living crap out of them.

Possible names of gang: White City Crew, Bowling Hard Boys, Stanway Massive, Lexden Rude Boys, West Burgholt Click and The Ones Who Ride Around On BMXs Down That Road To Tollgate Crew.

Possible name of member: Tyrone, Bianca, Champagne, Eleanor Rigby or Malteser.

Hang-out Locations: They are quite picky as to where they hang out; they usually pick a place near an offlicence with an alley and space to run if the Police come past. They are quite light sensitive and at night they will flock to the nearest light, nightclub or rave. They like to be somewhere with other people to provoke or “Happy Slap”.

Historical Background: It is believed by some they have evolved from Moths or Apes, but new evidence suggests they are merely single celled amoebas who have adapted to our form of life and leech off our country’s benefits. They have inspired Townies from middle-classed areas of society to unveil themselves as lazy, skiving members of society. They take many influences from the American Ghetto lifestyle and try and re-create their culture in England, but it doesn't work as a drive by in England would involve a typical London Cab with the Queen driving Prince Charles with a shotgun and Sherlock Holmes Smoking his pipe in the back talking to Charles Dickins.

Characteristics: At first sight they very violent and nasty pieces of work, if you see that then you have good observational skills as they are exactly that. They tend not to go to work but collect benefits from the post office, steal, deal drugs and watch Jerry Spinger and Trisha the whole morning. These sloth-like living piles of rubbish exist for the sole perpose of one reason and one reason alone, to annoy the curtain-twitching grannies to blame all young people for everything bad that happens in the world. The phrase every DOG has their day applies mainly to the elderly on the Local news program, where the main stories are about fences, land, digging holes and planning permission, are hijacked by a story of a chavling getting an ASBO for looking at an old person funny. This inspires satirical right wing “comedians” to jump on there band-wagon of rousing up support in hatred of kids and how they “cost us money to feed and are a waste of air”. In a the case of these particular type of person, that would be a viable statement.

Ideals and Beliefs: In Chavdome as with other cultures, it is considered a sin to dob on one another. Also in Chavdome the word “Gay” must be used in every sentence and at every opportunity. Quotation from Tyrone’s Geography Exercise Book Back Page “Millers is such a GAY innit and Bianca is such a cow cus she is a minger innit lol”. Not complying with any of Chavdome’s complicated belief system will result in action being taken depending on the circumstance, who done it and what they did. It is a major sin in Chavdome to not have the newest mobile with the “Crazy Frog Remix” set as the ring tone. It is considered funny by them to take part in an activity known as “happy slap”; happy slapping is a registered sport in which a participant will say “HAPPY SLAP” and slap the unwilling and seemingly uninformed opponent. Many chav clerics will extend beyond the happy slap and record the response of the unwilling pedestrian being hit with a variety of objects, like: Traffic cones, wheelie bins, fence posts, sticks, the elderly and anything within the immediate area of the participating player.

Social Ladder: To climb their social ladder you must at first loose all conscious thought and assume the position of a constipated Gorilla. Then one will notice you and offer you some drugs, take them and act stoned all day, steal stuff and then you are considered cool.

Academics: What they lack in effort and logical qualifications, they make up for in the physical field of legging it from a Policeman and their knowledge of the local area and how it works. This makes them prize criminals but they do occasionally make the mistake of spay painting their name in the house they just burgled.
Hobbies and Activities: They enjoy: Running from Policemen, shoplifting, fights, gang fights, fat people falling over, mugging, drugs, smoking, more drugs and football hooliganism when they can fit it in.

Symptoms: To spot one is easy, in a uniformed situation like a school, they will do anything to make themselves look like they are not part of that school, e.g. wear a hoody under blazer. They also sound a lot like there is a very loud jet engine coming past and they want to be heard, even though the room is quiet.
Physical and Material Apparel: They would traditionally wear a Burberry baseball cap, a Nickelson shirt, a white Ecko hoody, sovereign ring, tracksuit trouser tucked into the socks, your trainers and a 10Kg chunky gold plated necklace. Other than appearance there are more ways to spot a chav. For example, the chav will always carry a mobile on him or her at all times incase they are contacted at any given moment 24/7, or there is a funny dead tramp on the road, or someone to happy slap and record on their video phones. Normal people also have mobile phones, but they will always have a newer version and the ring tone will be set to the “Crazy Frog Remix” or any other top 40 “Jamster” Hit.

Favorite phrases: “What are you looking at?”, “Yeah but no but well I burnt my ID cus I don’t even need it” and “Ha Ha Ha Ha- Gay!” and “HAPPY SLAP”.

Someone who is violent, wears a burberry baseball cap, wears a tracksuit and carries an Restraining Order at all times. Found in unprivilaged built-up areas of England.

by Clement Myers June 23, 2005

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