E2-humor is a humor that the “weird kid” had in 2020. This humor consists of saying “E” randomly, t-posing, and obsessing over anime, most likely mha or aot.
“Bro that kid over there is weird asf”
“Oh yeah, he has E2-humor”
“Damn no wonder he’s a band kid”
Acrid "eyeball-to-eyeball" snickery sarcasm between two or more individuals who have taken the concept of "verbal sparring" to an absurd level.
Whenever possible, I always just walk away if someone starts trying to engage me in any vitrious humor; no good can come out of said exchange, and usually nobody truly "wins" in a "Yo mamma's so ___ that..." type of conversation, anyway, so why waste your breath and needlessly strain your vocal chords???
A form of comedy involving someone saying or doing something that slightly inconveniences another person, followed by them getting brutally harmed or killed.
"Poop!" *gets launched into a black hole*
"This is such Leo humor! All he did was cough and got executed for it?"
The largest zebra joke website in the world. While it does not rank highly on google, it has more zebra jokes than any other joke website.
"Have you been to Zebra Humor on wordpress yet?"
"Of course I have! I love hilarious zebra jokes!"
When a show/movie gets a reboot and forces in references to modern (at the time) references, typically iPhones, Cancel Culture and (obviously) drones.
Person A: You head there doing a King of the Hill reboot?
Person B: I’m not looking forward to it, it’ll probably have lots of drone humor.
To use a word or phrase mockingly, emphasizing that the term is no longer cool.
Phil: “check out my hella dank swag”
Robert: “dude, you can’t be serious.”
Phil: “naw, I’m just saying it post humorously.”
Something that some people and me, don't have.
Malin: This girl doesn't have a sense of humor at all
Dawn: And you don't either MALIN or should i say, MELON