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vaginal funk

pussy pussy pussy PUSSY!

The scent of PUSSY.

Quality pussy = roses
BAD pussy = fish, rancid ass sweat, 3 month old low fat milk

by Tasha January 14, 2004

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Drunk in the funk

When you're so sleep deprived you feel high/drunk. This may or may not only apply to people who are Bipolar.

I've been awake for 4 days straight, I'm so drunk in the funk, just laying on the floor laughing hysterically. I can see through time.

by SsaladFingers January 13, 2016

trucker funk

The nasty smell of a truck driver they get from being over the road. Smells like diesel fuel and old leather

The trucker funk nearly killed me.

by Hisgirl101 June 3, 2014

funk zone

mild fingering

Guy1: Aaqil and I finna go to the funk zone tonight
Guy2: Bruhhh

by childeater123 August 13, 2019

Urinal Funk

The cloud of urine odor surrounding a urinal left that was behind by the guy in front of you in the restroom.

I stepped into his urinal funk and it was so bad I had to breath through my mouth while I took a leak.

by techlozenge April 20, 2011

Booty Funk

When your boyfriend or girlfriend scratches their ass and the residual skin shavings fall off they are known as booty funk

Last night while laying with Nicole in bed, she had an itch on her butt and scratched it and got her booty funk all over my bed.

by Not Skell Kid June 11, 2017


The act of knocking someone's ballcap off of their head via an upward swiping motion on the bottom of the sunvisor portion of said cap. Points can be earned for style.

Joe walked up to me and knocked my ballcap off my head, earning himself a 10 point funk-a-dunk...

by BabyFaceFinster April 1, 2007