Source Code

Jackass slap

Donkey punch but only dom status

You deserve a jackass slap

by Thissssnigga123 September 9, 2017

Slap her ass

When you slap her ass. duh
when u really wanna slap her booty

Hey check out her gyatts!
John: Slap her ass, dude

by boxybooawesomeTENNIS November 16, 2023



Accordingly derived out of MALAYSIA IN KUALA LUMPUR as two brilliant people ACTUARIES named the first stepped down MARCH 31, 2022 DAT0 'SRI HASSAN M0HAMED KAMIL where we both attended UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY, IA where we both received degrees in ACTUARIAL SCIENCE and he is an FSA who has been and I have, "WHOSE ALAN I WALDMAN " , he says and none other than ANAL ALAN and we all three ACTUARIES as I am based on a CONTRACT IM MENLO PARK and N0R AZMAN ZAINAL.

In LIFE if you read the newspaper it is guarranteed you will get CYCLOMEDIA KINETIC SLAPS because you are looking for 369 REASONS why the game ROULETTE is played 0...36 = 666 COMPLETE ROULETTE CIRCLE effect on EVERYONE EVERYDAY.

Accordingly derived out of MALAYSIA IN KUALA LUMPUR as two brilliant people ACTUARIES named the first stepped down MARCH 31, 2022 DAT0 'SRI HASSAN M0HAMED KAMIL where we both attended UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY, IA where we both received degrees in ACTUARIAL SCIENCE and he is an FSA who has been and I have, "WHOSE ALAN I WALDMAN " , he says and none other than ANAL ALAN and we all three ACTUARIES as I am based on a CONTRACT IM MENLO PARK and N0R AZMAN ZAINAL. now in some places, 0,00,000.

by MAJOR OCCURRENCE August 2, 2022

Slap a guys ass day

december 5th is slap a guys ass day

guy 1: hey
guy 2: hey, its slap a guys ass day

by georgewhd December 4, 2023

Will Smith slap

Keep my wife's name out yo fucking mouth

P1: hey remember when will Smith slapped Chris rock?
P2: yeah he slapped him pretty hard

by Cadyro11 April 20, 2022

Dummy Slap

A dummy is an act of taking your erect penis and literally slapping the shit outta nigga in hopes to make him go retarded aka dummy.

Person 2: "I'm going to Dummy Slap my dick on your face"

by love no thottie July 25, 2019

Pack Slapped

The act of bitch-slapping a person with a pack pack, or any other type of baggage that is carried on one's back.

Did you see that dude? I absolutely pack slapped him!

by VenomSlayer14 June 21, 2011