When there is so much shit going on at work or in your personal life that you are scared to check your email, fearing that emails will just bring more shit that you will be unable to handle.
Email-anxiety killing me playa. Don't know that kinda sheet is in store for me in the darn inbox today.
A strong negative feeling and/or sensitivity when it comes to your hair which can lead to certain aspects such as cutting, feeling uncomfortable when someone touches it, low self-esteem when it comes to your hair, and other aspects (as aspects are different for everyone).
Causes of this feeling are related to regular low self-esteem or bad experiences relating to hair (such as difficulty taking care of it, issues from difficulty taking care of it, and people giving off bad comments about it.)
My friend has been dealing with "Hair Anxiety" recently.
The fear of opening an email that might have been sent by a spammer or other unwanted electronic intruder.
John has had inbox anxiety ever since his banking information was hijacked from his email account.
When a big breasted woman fears she will shave off her nipple while leaning forward to shave her legs.
I wonder if Pamela Anderson has ever suffered from Areola Disconnection Anxiety Disorder while getting ready for a Baywatch shoot.
The anxiety of uncovered windows at night (eg- being scared someone will be looking at you through the window if you look outside at night)
Oh yeah I have window anxiety, that’s why my window shades/blinds get closed before it turns dark
An anxiety bubble is where someone forms a "bubble" in which they struggle to do typical things without stress and anxiety.
He formed an anxiety bubble to where he can only listen to one artist's music.
When someone forms a "bubble" for a typical that causes nervousness and stress to try and leave.
He formed an anxiety bubble to where he can only listen to one artists songs.