Another way of saying “your a bitch”
He told her “you got a cold nose”
when you and your best friend are playing among us and are kinda obsessed with the kids show miraculous with jagged stone and his crocodile fang so you make your name jagged stone and every time you win a game you tell the chat this
everyone else- TEAMING
-Sentence when you want to ask if your dealer got some of that sweet time
time = weed,caffe,canabise,marijuana
"Man you got some time?"
"Yeah man i got like 2 hours."
"Okey man i will buy 1 hour."
"Okey man come over "
The triumph of being blessed by Mr Dasopatis’ actions, whether it is delaying a deadline or giving the best English resources and materials.
Opposite to “you got roasted”
Mr Dasopatis: I just moved your IOs from next week to next month + I sent you all LitCharts on Cuckoo’s Nest.
Arianna and George: You just got das’ed!
Usually asked by a junkie who needs 2 bucks to get him, or herself a shot of dope from someone at a homeless camp.
"You got 2 bucks!?"
Means you are “less fortunate” than others
It’s honestly dumb🧍🏾 ♀️
Girl:“Eww you got brown cabinets I could never🤢”
Boy:”girl stfu ain’t nun wrong wit brown cabinets😪”
1👍 1👎
Getting besorgt means to do or say something stupid or nonsensical.