Source Code

diet hentai

Vaguely sexualised anime

Person 1 'I was watching some anime recently.'

Person 2 'I didn't realise you watched diet hentai'

by real definitions69 February 29, 2016

Hentai Vision

The ability to visually assess a female and determine if she is able to make u loose all physical control and mobility due to the lust acquired by looking

As Jessica was walking by James saw her and his hentai vision automatically kicked in and all his focus was on her as she walked pass him in yoga pants and a matching top.

by Jizz Jizz May 1, 2016

hentai simulator

Games like overwatch where most of the community is made up of porn fanatics

Becky:Did you here about that new hentai simulator?

John:No what is it?


John:I'll check it out

by Spydter November 6, 2017

Tactical Hentai

A doujinshi used for self defense/military missions in the Middle East

Soldier 1: โ€œI got one 400 meters out north eastโ€
Soldier 2: โ€œhit em with the tactical hentaiโ€

by Ember2047 March 14, 2021

Hentai Syndrome

Hentai Syndrome is when one (usually a male) has an extreme addiction to hentai characters and or e-girls

Liam: Bro, why are you so fucking horny all the time, even during no nut november
Alex: Idk man, i can't control it. I think i might have Hentai Syndrome

by Ghostthewarrior November 29, 2021

hentai porn


I eat coons. All coons should die. I feel hentai porn in my cooche.

by Coonslayer420.69 April 24, 2018

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tenticle Hentai

1. A strange asian cartoon involving 10 year old girls with DD breasts and an alien with tenticles
2. What Colin Goss Loves

Oh jeez, Colin loves Tenticle Hentai so much that he showed it too his mom...then she told Kristina to marry him. She did and they lived happily ever after in the sea where there were plenty of tenticles to go around.

by billy bob web May 22, 2003

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