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skin cancer


what white people (generally women) subject themselves to every time they migrate in large flocks to tanning beds and such

Usually surfaces as a irregular, disgusting moles

*Overly tanned, burnt white woman walks up to a black woman*

White woman: Look, I'm darker than you!

Black woman: True, but at least my color doesn't go away and I won't die of skin cancer, bitch...

by ~Ebony~ March 21, 2007

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skin of a killer

Skin that sparkles in the sun and gives the illusion of diamonds.

Edward: This is the skin of a killer, Bella.

by Hellotheremate August 10, 2021

Skin Nectar

The juices that flow through your pores whilst being caressed by your imaginary friend.

"What's on your face?"
"Oh, just my skin nectar."

by Shaaark January 10, 2017

skin shirt

The mark that is left behind when you get sunburned with a T-shirt or tank top on.

Chad: Woah dude you've got a serious skin shirt. Want some 'screen?

Tanner: UV rays are just a conspiracy bro! I'll just take off my shirt and even it out.

by Anon1215 March 7, 2018

Diddle Skin

The female clitoris.

My fingers hurt from working my diddle skin last night.

Rachel’s diddle skin is like a nub when she’s engorged.

by Eaton Holgoode January 25, 2018

Skin Diamond

A porn star.

skin diamond can really give head.

by USMC_SNIPER2021 March 22, 2017

Skin Orgasm

sensation of chills or tingling is felt on the skin of the lower back, shoulders, neck, and/or arms. The sensation of chills is sometimes experienced as a series of 'waves' moving up the back in rapid succession and commonly described as "shivers up the spine".

Dude one: do you get skin orgasms?
Dude two: what's a skin orgasm
Dude one: bruh

by uncalledfordoggo September 18, 2020