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Fraiser Tennis Racket

Bear fit n dat- Big bunda- hot Gets all the children (dw he now has a retaining order hes not allowed within a 3 mile radius of a child of primary school)

Fraiser Tennis Racket is bear fit

by Smolly, bradshaw July 9, 2021

Transfer Tennis

When a person makes a phonecall to a place with a switchboard phone system and you proceed to get transferred around to various different departments for the duration of the call.

I called Midas Auto spares looking for a part for my car, but all i got was 10 minutes of Transfer Tennis

by ultrachris2000 December 9, 2010

All is fair in tennis and beer purchasing

A well-known saying that has been used to describe instances of tennis/beer-related activities since the early 1700’s.

Person 1: I can’t remember how much more beer I owe you for our tennis games.
Person 2: somewhere between $9 and $5 million dollars.
Person 1: that doesn’t seem fair

Person 2: All is fair in tennis and beer purchasing. That’s the saying.

by Tenbeersnow February 13, 2021