Source Code

Dirty Whale

when a woman smears peanut butter on a mans penis then performs oral sex on him

duuuuude last night C gave me the best dirty whale iv ever had

by dukerman September 2, 2010

whale patty

A loose vagina. A girl with a loose vagina

Man you trying to go to the club and catch us some whale patty?!

by Funnyladyinok November 15, 2013

whale watcher

An individual who is infatuated by obese rotund women. The individual will express a hatred towards them as a facade for his friends, however in reality he is extremely down bad.

Holy moly, Antony is the biggest whale watcher to ever exist. All he does is them fat bitches' homework. Mandem is so sad.

by Rabdullah Hummus the 16th February 17, 2021

whale shart

High volume high density deposit of fecal matter in your underwear when attempting to fart. More than a shart less than a turd

Thought I only had to fart but my fart-shit separater failed to indicate the material that was about to be dispensed. Resulting in a large shart.... A whale shart.

by kriegmann January 4, 2015

Muddy Whale

When you cum in a fat woman's ass, she farts and spouts it back out again.

Well blow me down! My fat girlfriend just gave me a muddy whale

by johnny apps December 17, 2010

Whale Breach

When a male pulls his pants down during a zoom call and jumps up, effectively flashing his dick to the entire class.

The into-view, out-of-view act resembles a majestic whale breach, blink and you'll miss it.

"Dude, I told Steve I'd give him 50 bucks if he did a Whale Breach and he did!"

by Stinky Link January 26, 2021

Whale Harness

A Fat girl's thong. Named so because it's similar in appearance to the device that marine biologists use to save beached whales.

Dude, Allison bent over in class today and I could totally see that whale harness of her's. I think I'm gonna puke, then call Greenpeace.

by Francostein June 10, 2009