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Jamaican beetle-juice


Have you ever hear of the Jamaican beetle-juice

by jerry dow April 15, 2019


exchange any type of juice for sex

person1: wanna exchange your virginity for orange juice?
person2: hell yeah i love oj

that is called juice-4-sex

by urbantypastiff May 26, 2022


exchange any type of juice for sex

person1: wanna exchange your virginity for orange juice?
person2: hell yeah i love oj

that is called juice-4-sex

by urbantypastiff May 26, 2022


Usually consists of a shot of Thorazine also causing a Thorazine Shuffle. Psychiatric Doctors given to patients in psychiatric hospitals.

Booty-juice: Ardella hit me in the head. So the doctors gave her a shot of booty juice and made her do the Thorazine Shuffle right back to the padded room.

by sheila rene moore November 30, 2021

Booty Juice

Slang for "Haldol". A medication used on children in mental health facilities. Also used extensively in the Utah "Troubled Teen" industry, where the teen will be pinned down while a vindictive, near sociopathic nurse takes down his pants in front of the others, and jams the needle into his backside.

See: "Child Abuse"

Jason called the nurse a cunt, so she called the RA's to pin him down, and gave him the booty juice right there in the recreation room.

by UtahSucks May 5, 2023

Booty Juice

Metalic ass juice that comes from your dog's anal glands.

"Why does it smell like pennies and butt in here?"
"Sorry dude, my dog has booty juice."

by Dr. Delarney November 17, 2019

booty juice

vkkusvuhsvxiviygdvouvouvuydvugvuyduyvduyvdouyvsuysbgishsigs8yosygouysvyuvduvxuyxvvyuxyxsugispig booty juice

booty juice is when you get booty juice and it goes nijjbxihvhxvxluibxiuvpivpivxpihxbpiyzviuhyfs8yagysvcitfsfw97t5a9phsuyfs

by harrythebest008 November 1, 2020