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Brown Eye Back Fire

A Brown Eye Back Fire is when you take a dump and when the poop hits the water in the toilet it splashes up on your butthole. It is the most disgusting feeling in the world that everyone you’ve ever met has experienced.

Guy on toilet: “(splash) AHHHHHHHH

Guy’s wife: “What’s going on in there?”

Guy on Toilet: “Fucking Brown Eye Back Fire.”

by K1LL_4_FUN March 23, 2011

10👍 4👎

suck my cock eyes

a face, such as puppy dog eyes, but instead of this face, there is a smirk, and then half closed eyes,....you know what he wants.

A guy is either standing in front you or straddling you, with his dick to your lips, and he has his "suck my cock eyes" going, you're gonna do it.

by Thiswasafunnyazzconversation October 26, 2008

13👍 8👎

keep an eye on on someone or something

To watch someone or something while someone else is busy

Would you mind keeping an eye on my daughter while I am at the store?

by Light Joker August 18, 2005

20👍 9👎

EYE |\|33|> h3[P!

I need help!

by Anonymous October 30, 2003

14👍 7👎

Pink Eye Pearl Harbor

The Pink Eye Pearl Harbor is most easily described as a sneak attack.

A Pink Eye Pearl Harbor is when you sneak into a friend, sibling, or roommates room while they are sleeping, bend over, spread your cheeks' and let er rip right in the face of the unaware sleeper.

When the unlucky bastard with shitty friends wakes up he will have a face full of fecal matter and a beginners case of the dreaded Pink Eye.

An "Ultimate" Pink Eye Pearl Harbor is achieved when the attacker is of Asian decent and he pulls of the attack on a Sunday morning.

Sizuki: "Bansai!!!"

Chris: "Awww whats on my face?"

Sizuki: "Bansai!!"

Chris: "Fuck did you Pink Eye Pearl Harbor me?"

Sizuki: "Ultimate."

by K1LL_4_FUN March 2, 2011

11👍 5👎

She's not got wooden eyes

If a girl is checking you out from across the dance floor, the proper banter response to the lads about the perp is "she's not got wooden eyes'

Sexy girl across the dance floor, she checks you out, you say au naturalment, 'she's not got wooden eyes'

by DiogenesofLondon April 25, 2011

12👍 6👎

My eyes are up here

A phrase commonly used by bitches with fat oltitties. Most commonly used when someone is just trying to see some knockers and is staring at them while also having a conversation.

“My eyes are up here…”

Like yeah bitch i know where your eyes are, i’m just tryna see some melons real quick”

by CougarSniffer5 July 2, 2022

15👍 13👎