":3" is a silly little cat face that is so silly!
Person 1: "brah, what the devils."
Person 2: :3
A symbol meant to represent the everlasting, highly complicated and well renowned art of the deep throat.
: stands for someone’s eyes
3 stands for someone’s testicles
While on Grindr:
- What’r u into?
- :3
pls don’t use this ever around me. i will block you and delete you off everything
someone random: Hi :3
me: *blocks*
death and destruction to all BRITISH mankind
me:"im gonna destroy your life!! :3!!"
random British person: "NOOO!! PLEASE!E!!! NOOOO"
:3 means that the sender wants to suck the recipient balls deep. It comes from the emoticon combination of :D and c==3 and when combined, :Dc==3 to :(=3 finally having :3
"Come over :3"