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unihibited mischief, capers and pranks

I have had enough of these hi-jinks.

by The return of light Joker October 20, 2007

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facebook jinks

You and another person type the same thing at the same time on someones wall, status message, photo, note, or any other place you could make a comment.

joe blow's status message -

joe blow is kissing his girls happy spot

josh:(7:03pm) yeah right we all know you're gay
John:(7:03pm) yeah right we all know you're gay

the above is a facebook jinks at which point normal jinks rules apply.

by Josh Curtis October 15, 2009

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An e-jinks occurs when 2 people online chatting and send an identical message at the same time. Once the e-jinks has been called out the one who was jinks cannot respond until the jinks has been lifted. Thus enduring the mundane details of the other's life, day, sexual history, etc.

B: im so happy for them!!!!!!!
R: im so happy for them!

B: e-jinks

B: guess what I did today?
B: oh no guesses?? Well let me start from the beginning
B: I woke up to a train, fell back asleep, another train slightly woke me, but it wasn't until the 3rd train that I actually got up
B: made coffee
B: and then I started talking you, R
R: you are bloody boring

by sallylabets May 23, 2011

jink dog

One who has recently had a facelift done by a anal surgeon.

Mr. Poe is a jink dog



Barbra Streisand is a jink dog.

by DAWAN June 1, 2003

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high jinks ensued

To do a silly, entertaining and a little bit crazy actions

I met my friend for coffe yesterday. started by talking about our lives, soon we high jinks ensued and we ended up acting our stories, standing up, flailing our bodies and people stared at us.

by R97 March 17, 2019

drop jink

To put up money for something, or to put your money where your mouth is. To prove you can do something, to backup your words with actions.

So, you think you can beat me at quidditch. Okay, well drop jink and show me your skills.

by Zed Numar February 5, 2019

jordan jinks

idk, you prolly hate him. hes just a fruit looking for his salad..

im am him, he is me. i am jordan jinks

by jyynnxx August 23, 2021