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When you get so angry about something that you forget the basics of what is currently making you angry.

Thomas has died to the same boss so many times, he's starting to get a little odd-pissey.

by tommy5892 November 26, 2017

odd bird

1. Somebody who's not cut from the same cloth as most normal people
2. A weirdo

1. I think he's a funny guy, but he's an odd bird sometimes.

by detectivequin October 30, 2014

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Odd Duck

Term used for an unusual, different or strange individual.
Origin unknown

The new guy at work sure is an odd duck, he never takes a break.

by rucus11 December 12, 2009

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odd sock

An affectionate term for person who behaves in a strange and puzzling way.

"She was wearing a tea-cozy on her head again, what an odd sock she is"

by MistressBunnyHopLC July 4, 2008

odd couple

an extremely mismatched pair of people, an extremely unlikely team or pair of people (from the name of play popularized by movie)

Ellen and Adam are quite the odd couple.

by The Return of Light Joker April 12, 2008

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Pot Odds

A term in poker, describing the relation between the cost of calling another bet and the potential profit should you hit something big. Suited connectors and low pairs often are justified to play because of pot odds.

"I will probably not hit and have to fold, but it only costs 1$, and the potential profit should my straight draw hit is 50$. This is an easy call"

by Krisse July 18, 2005

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ODD Disorder

A "medical" "disorder" that is the constant of "Dabbing." the act of bending ones arm to look like your sneezing then throwing your other arm backwards and up.

*dude 1* Bro why won't he stop dabbing?
*dude 2* He has ODD Disorder. he has a disorder that wont let him stop dabbing

*dude 1* Oh, makes sense
*Pete Wentz dabbing & screaming in the distance*

by thecookieseller27 February 8, 2017