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confused with communism, which doesn't work, this however can work very well with a mix of capitalism and democracy, it is a more equal economic system where the poor can become rich, whenever this comes up in a conversation someone eventually says it didn't work in russia

I think socialism is a..
Didn't work in russia
No, thats communism, this is differ...
Didn't work in cuba
Your not listening to me, Im talking about something completely different!

by Jared October 19, 2003

968๐Ÿ‘ 1035๐Ÿ‘Ž


A political philosophy based on the belief that some or all businesses should be run solely for the benefit of the people using them.

Socialism and Communism are based on similar principles. Socialism does not require that a socialized industry be legally owned by the government, but if that were the case it could still be considered socialism. In the strictest sense, Communism prohibits private ownership of money, business, or goods, while Socialism may or may not on a case by case basis. The two can therefore resemble each other and it can be hard to distinguish one from the other.

In a Communist country, I worked in a deli owned by the government and was paid a fixed salary by the government.

In another country's socialized medical system, I am a doctor, own my office, and pay my own salary out of my business account, but legally have no right to decide how to run any aspect of my business. I can't change my prices, deny service to anyone, or increase my own salary.

by ed July 26, 2004

414๐Ÿ‘ 427๐Ÿ‘Ž


first off lets get this straight, socialism is NOT facism, or communism. anyone who says that is just ignorant. Nazis were facists and pretended to be socialists in order to get more support, same with the Soviets and communism. thats the only connection they have. dont critisize something you know nothing about.

now the real definition: socialism supports economic controls but allows for some accumulation of wealth. social restrictions are signifigantly weaker, hence the name socialism.
facism is completely the opposite, with lax economic controls, and strict social rules including that all residents must be completely loyal to the ruling party, and must never speak out.

Nazis were facists, no free speech
Soviets were communist, no free speech
true socialism supports free speech

by socialism isnt facism or communism May 28, 2004

830๐Ÿ‘ 892๐Ÿ‘Ž


An economic system based on public ownership of the means of production. The most overt examples of public or common ownership exist in strict communist societies. Small scale communes exist within which people own all physical assets commonly. Some communes even have common ownership of some clothing. Strict communism requires income equality, and is sometimes referred to as economic democracy.

Common ownership of the means of production implies that production is directed by 'society' rather than by entrepreneurs. Socialists tend to promote democratic government as the representative of society in directing production. Large scale production cannot be planned through direct democratic vote, and requires that bureaucrats and officials decide many issues in production.

Critics of socialism claim that socialism fails to match the performance of capitalism for three reasons. First the equalization of incomes eliminates the incentive to innovate and work hard. Second, bureaucrats and high officials do not posses the informational required to direct production in a complex society. Market prices are needed to solve the informational problems of directing production, and socialism will at best have pseudo-prices. The absence of financial markets is a major problem with socialism. Third, socialism tends to degenerate into oppressive dictatorship. The incentive, informational, and political problems of socialism are inescapable.

Many want socialism for ideological reasons. Egalitarian ethics drive the socialist movement. Marxists claim that capitalism is exploitative. Socialism is indefensible in terms of economic efficiency and natural rights ethics. Socialists envision a better world, but their dreams are unrealizable.

1. the USSR (Soviet socialism based on overt central planning)

2. Nazi Germany (national socialism based on comprehensive regulation)

3. Sweden in 1991 (before the backed off from the abyss)

4. England just before Thatcher (before the backed off from the abyss)

by evolutionary subjectivist September 24, 2007

210๐Ÿ‘ 212๐Ÿ‘Ž


The political system that centers on the needs of the society as a whole. Sometimes used as an alternative name for communism or as a derogatory term for opponents of capitalism. In fact it is a very wide term that can accomodate quite diverse ideologies.

Socialism and democracy are not mutually exclusive.

by The eternal grunt May 27, 2004

284๐Ÿ‘ 297๐Ÿ‘Ž


Yet another of the misbegotten, utopian visions that fails to live up to reality. Socialism is said to be a tool for the workers, but it is often touted and implemented by a very few that believe humans will act like robots.

Socialism is dead. Stop drinking coffee and smoking in your coffeehouse and get a job.

by Anonymous January 30, 2003

391๐Ÿ‘ 420๐Ÿ‘Ž


A govenment or economic system that is often favored by lazy hippies. This is a system that is loved by people who dont want to work for what they have and want the government to control all of our lives, but at least we will have free health care.

At the earth day rally the lazy hippies played their bongos and talked about how great socialism is, but they were so high and lazy they never took any action.

by the_big_o May 25, 2005

202๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž