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Swamp journalist

Latin, Swampus Journalista. Someone who publishes or reports fake news. Someone who cares nothing about facts but only about promoting the agenda of the left.

" under sworn testimony in a senate hearing Mr. Comey revealed who the real swamp journalists are."
" Yeah I don't see how he had any other choice he was under oath he had to finally tell the truth."

by Gregaroidson. June 12, 2017


Why go to a journalist rather than the police?

Hym "Because a journalist wouldn't be encumbered by a case-load that may limit the amount of time they can spend on a case. They aren't subject to laws in the same way that a state-sponsored investigative body would be. They may have resources the police might not. Easier for them to do undercover work. The reasons are legion."

by Hym Iam September 20, 2023

Bored Journalist Syndrome

affliction causing Beltway stenographers to pine for return of Casino Mobster

At a recent White House Press Briefing, journalists whined to Karine Jean-Pierre about not having enough pizazz, bells and whistles to keep their attention and on reporter said "but trump used to come in to talk to us!" those dickbags have Bored Journalist Syndrome and need to take up a fucking hobby if they miss the fascist so much.

by Uncle Joosie July 9, 2024

Bored Journalist Syndrome

Virus affecting 99% of Beltway reporters

With the attention span of a mentally addled fruit fly, political reporters like Ken fucking Vogel and Sally fucking Buzbee get tired of covering the same things every day. When Vivek Rama-smarmy started running they screamed "he's the new Jesus!" when in actuality he was and is a lead balloon—made famous by bored, agitated journalists. When tasked with covering Mueller Report during Tangerine Jesus' 4-year reign of terror, reporters got anxious and fidgety which is when Bored Journalist Syndrome was born.

by Uncle Joosie January 22, 2024

One eyed Journalist

This term is used for a Journalist that has one eye
mainly used for the character Mafuyu Nakata from the game Danganronpa: Russian Roulette.
i got nothing
i'm so tired

Person 1: Mafuyu ripped her eye out- what do we call her?
Person 2: One eyed Journalist
Person 1: What-

by Rikkaroid2434 July 31, 2021

beat up a journalist day

National beat up a journalist day is on December 19th every year

Cool kids: Hey Jack know what day it is?
Jack: No, Please no not again

Jack: Dude I’m from Glendale I’m hard whatchu mean
*jack gets his shit rocked*
Jack: hEy, I sTiLl GoT mY rInG tHoUgH😭

by Bestfornothing_Benji December 19, 2019


A lazy journalist who does research by doing a quick scan of Wikipedia.

That idiot was a wiki-journalist, he knew nothing about me or my work.

by Dogbiscuits4humans January 9, 2019