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Tony Blair

Teflon Tony, so called because nothing sticks to him. A man who is very good at speaking, but this is more than made up for by his total lack of being able to actually DO anything positive. He's corrupt beyond all belief to the extent that at times he's little more than a puppet for anyone willing to make a donation of a certain size to the Labour party, followed by a swift denial of all knowledge. Also responsible for the appalling state of the NHS, Education, and public transport. He has doctored immigration and crime figures, as well as NHS waiting lists, to make it appear that things are getting better when actually they're getting worse. He is allowing the country to be overrun with asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, none of whom should be here in the first place, costing the taxpayer billions of pounds and placing further strain on the education system and NHS. He is the person mainly responsible for the Politically Correct culture that's crippling this country even further, and making English people second class citizens in their own country, and the heterosexual white english male has less rights than anyone else in the country, whilst simultaneously allowing terrorist supporting groups, made up of asylum seekers who are living on benefits in council houses paid for by the british taxpayers, to hold marches through the streets of London. He changed the law after the Tony Martin case so that people are liable for any injury occurring to persons on their property regardless of why they are there, and as a result have no right to defend their own homes and families. Also has refused to change this stupid law even though the public demand it. Possibly guilty of election fraud as the postal vote that he pushed through in time for the last election was abused by many ballots being posted to the same address, and all the ballots being cast with a tick in the Labour box. He lied to parliament and the public about his reasons for taking the country to war with Iraq in a "dodgy dossier" made up of information copied from a college students essay on Iraq that's 10+ years old, and when someone (doctor David Kelly) blew the whistle on him they turned up dead in a field in mysterious circumstances. He also organised 2 enquiries about the "dodgy dossier" and the death of Doctor Kelly, where he picked the people chairing the enquiry, chose who they could interview and what they could ask, and was, not surprisingly, cleared of all wrongdoing on all counts. He is Scottish and apparently hates the English, giving every other component countries of the UK their own parliament but forcing the English to remain at the mercy of the other countries MP's, as well as virtually every time someone in a position of power in Britain is seen on television they're scottish. In longer than it has taken for Wales to get a national stadium built for £60 million, Blair has knocked down the English National stadium (Wembley), and has yet to rebuild it, charging the taxpayer £600 million for the privilege, wasted over £100 million on the Millenium Dome in the year it was up, despite everyone knowing it would be a failure, and £30 million since, spent £400 million of British Taxpayers money building a Scottish Parliament building that was only supposed to cost £40 million, and that's just the stuff we know of.

Tony Blair is a sick corrupt little man who I sincerely hope will be rotting in hell some day very soon

by slamdaddy January 12, 2005

491👍 540👎

Tony Blair

Next President of the the U S of A!
yeah! wooooh! Gad Damn! (and other yank terminoligy)

1) oh man, tell ur dog to stop eating his own tony blair!!!

2)Ur such a Blair for Brains

by dan November 24, 2003

72👍 67👎

tony blair

Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt

"Tony Blair is a cunt"

by Mr. Flibble & Gopher_By_Fender May 2, 2006

348👍 399👎

Tony Blair

Tony Blair is a man who advocates Democracy, but does not understand what it is

e.g. When questioned about his decision to invade Iraq when it was apparent there were no WMDs Tony Blair replied:

"I did what I thought was right"

Whoa hold on there ego boy Blair!!! Your job is to act as a representative of the people, and if memory serve me correctly, the people didn't want to go to war. Where's the democracy in that????

p.s. Others in history who did what they thought was right : Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot...

by Dr D Kelly July 20, 2006

182👍 200👎

tony blair

This guy has been so busy brown noseing George Bush with the wars in Afganistan and Iraq that he has failed to do the job he is paid to do, run OUR COUNTRY, under Blair, crime rates have rocketed, teenage pregnancy rates in our country are the highest in western europe and everything else has gone to shit. sort it out Tony

sort it out Tony, grow some balls and tell Gerorge Bush to piss off, if you did that the country would be behined you 100%

by pimp master c April 26, 2005

277👍 314👎

tony blair

See Twat

Tony = Twat

by Sid Conlin February 23, 2004

273👍 310👎

Tony Blair

Tony Blair is George W. Bush's little bitch, whereas, Georgie Boy is Satan's little fuck puppet.

Tony Blair, George W. Bush and Satan are in a threesome together.

The Luv Train:
(O(SATAN =D (O(George W. Bush =D (O(Tony Blair =D

by Mona Lott February 23, 2006

475👍 556👎