Source Code

we should do something sometime

n. let's have sex now. or else.

jon said to jenna, "we should do something sometime"

by sekio April 22, 2004

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we should do something sometime

What a person says when they see an old aquaintance that maybe they met once or twice, and that they thought making out with was a good idea at the time. You may or may not remember their name, and this is what u say when they want to get together.

Them: Hey! Oh my god, you're looking so hot. Here's my number! I never got yours... how funny.
You: Um, hi. Yeah, I'll take your number. We should do something sometime. *coughcough

by CurryChild September 5, 2004

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we should do something sometime

Expressive of the user's complete lack of desire to engage in any further activity in the future with said person.

Dave couldn't believe he'd spent all day with such a boring, unattractive woman.

"We should do something sometime." He said, embracing her lightly without inviting her in.

by Pecan Pie April 30, 2004

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we should do something sometime

Something to say to someone you havent seen in a while.....probably for good reason....this saying is a good way to make the person think you want to hang out with them with out really committing to plans

"Hey Henrietta, I havent seen you in forever!"
*snort* "Yeah, want to see my insect collection?" *snort*
"Yeah, I cant today but we should do something sometime"

by Sos ya mama April 22, 2004

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we should do something sometime

in other words, hells naw!

"Um, yeah, i guess we can hang out. We should do something sometime, in like a moneth."

by Los Wiz April 29, 2004

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we should do something sometime

You and I ought to get together at some time in the future, spend time together, engage in a social activity.

Hey, Joe, you're a fun guy...we should do something sometime.

by Holly April 30, 2004

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we should do something sometime

something a girl says to a guy making the guy think that the girl likes him, when really all she means that you are doomed to be her friend forever and nothing more. see the ladder theory.

Mary: hey joe, wanna do something sometime?
Joe: okay (i think she likes me)

by Trevor April 29, 2004

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