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White Knight

A dude who relentlessly supports a whore throughout the entire night just for the sake of getting her into the sack. If other girls or dudes comment on the whore behaving in a whore-like manner, the White Night will defend her even though he knows she is indeed behaving like a whore. The whore then slowly but surely falls for the White Knight due to his undying support and subsequently bangs him. He is therefore her White Knight in shining armour

"Dude, Caroline is diddling herself at the bar. She is such a whore," says a bystander. "No she isn't. My baby is an independent woman and she can do as she pleases," replies the Zach T. "Wow, Zach T, stop trying to be her White Knight"

by Tiny from The P June 25, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Knight

Typically someone who finds pleasure in asking gamer girls to send pictures to them becasue they are sad or upset, this type of human usualy resorts to young mexican porn on the weekends. This type of man is usually 6"2 and preys on 15 year old girls online.

Person 1:Why are you such a White Knight?

White Knight:Idk, its just how i roll!

by Retrogamer June 12, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Knight

The name given to those who throw up or "whitey" after a single marijuana joint.

"Did you here Paddy pulled a whitey after one joint last night?"
"Yeh, he can't bun. He's a White Knight"

by Bunzilla January 15, 2013

7๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Knight

A naive person who is (albeit with well intentions) falsely defending an insidious scheme or misrepresented manifestation.

Person A: Unfortunately outcry was ignored and now it is becoming too late to redress the grievances.
Person B: Stop spreading negativity do not listen to Person A make sure you spend money and participate I am having a great time so far!
Person A: Don't come in here trying to White Knight you are still very inexperienced and do not understand the full implications yet.

by Sceleratus November 19, 2017

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White Knight

A White, southern gangsta, wannabe; a "Whigger". Compare "Black Knight."

Man, look at those private school White Knights in the throwback jerseys! Lifestyles of the White and Knighty!

by WhiteKnightNC March 24, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 300๐Ÿ‘Ž

White knight

A white knight is a man who will go to great lengths to defend women, whether they are attacked physically, verbally, or sexually. In fact, it does not matter if the woman is attacked at all. They will ditch their own best friends, hit people, or say things they never would elsewhere, just to "protect" that woman. White knights come in all shapes and sizes.

White knights are generally men with seriously low self esteem issues. They are also sexually depraved, and have never had a girlfriend or any female attention for that matter. They use their white knightry as a last ditch attempt to get laid and/or "prove" their worth to society. Usually socially awkward people who tend to live in fantasy worlds, and will brag about their "heroic deeds" and "manliness" in every conversation with people. Tend to identify as women supporters or feminists, but could not be further from the truth as all they do is reinforce the idea that women are weak.

Hated by true feminists and men's rights activists (MRAs) alike.

Examples of white knights:
1. A guy and a girl are walking in a mall. They start to argue, and the guy suddenly grabs the girl's hand.
"Let go!" The girl yells.
Suddenly, a random stranger appears out of nowhere.
Stranger: "You coward! How dare you touch a woman! Don't you know hitting women is cowardly and unmanly?"
*punches guy*
*guy retaliates, beats the shit out of stranger*
Girl (slaps stranger): "Idiot! He's my boyfriend. Why don't you go mind your own fucking business?"
*girl and guy walk out*

2. A bar
John yells at a girl: "How dare you cheat on me? Fuck you, you bloody whore! Bitch!"
A random guy comes in
Random guy: "How dare you use such words for my beauty? Take that." (Beats John up)
Girl: " Aw, how romantic!"

(To another guy) "Come on honey, let's go!" (Both walk away)
John: "man, get a life. These sluts don't give a shit about you."

3. Chris: "Come on Paul, you know me and Thomas were never there at the party. Caroline is lying."
Paul: "No, shut up. I know you liars. My sweet Caroline cannot lie."
(To Caroline): "Don't listen to these women hating scumbags. I know you are always right."
Caroline: aww!
Thomas (to Chris): "man, Paul is such a loser and a white knight."

by dfvnk October 2, 2018

727๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž

white knight

A gaming term used to describe a male gamer who, in a desperate attempt to get himself laid, will attempt to woo or impress any female gamer he comes across online by being overly defensive of her and giving her special attention, such as playing as a healing class and only healing her.

Why do those white knights try so hard to impress the girls they run into online? Do they actually think they're going to get laid?

by oofgnileud September 11, 2010

1834๐Ÿ‘ 511๐Ÿ‘Ž