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Hillbilly Bindi

The act of smearing a dingleberry on a person's forehead, inbetween their eyebrows, after giving them a Louisiana Teabag.

Did you see that Hillbilly Bindi on Ronda? Someone gave her a mean Lousiana Teabag!

by DebRi December 21, 2013

bindi fever

used to describe the obsession some white guys have with women of south-asian origin

a side-effect of joe's bollywood addiction is a strong case of bindi fever

by kap_lan June 5, 2005

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brown bindi

A sexual act; while having anal sex with a woman/man, the man pulls out his penis and has his partner turn around. The man then takes his penis and stamps a brown excrement mark in the center of the woman's/ man's forehead.

Guys, you'll never believe it- she finally wanted to try anal last night. In honor of the special occasion, I gave her a brown bindi when we finished!

by FMA.memories.PSU September 29, 2010

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Bindi Lazer

A lazer that originates from the Indian/Pakistani ceremonial forehead dot when it becomes overheated with rage or thought.

Don't piss off Mala, you might evoke the bindi lazer!

Chris: What happened to Blake?
Garrett: He pissed off Mala..
Chris: Oh shit! He got hit with a bindi lazer

by Christopher Mudge November 20, 2007

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Bindi Irwin

Daughter of the late Steve Irwin, aka The Crocodile Hunter.

A precocious and soul-less little media tart, seemingly devoid of any human qualities.

Has been shamelessly cashing-in on her daddy's legacy ever since he was murdered by a stingray.

Is it wrong to wish that Bindi Irwin was taken instead of Steve?

by triggaz April 2, 2008

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Bindi Irwin

Daughter of the late Croc Hunter Steve Irwin; used her Father's death to gain popularity.

Rob: "It's that Bindi Irwin girl again".
John: "Oh her, nobody knew her until her father died".

by heartcore--x October 13, 2007

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Bindi Bus

Bindi Bus - A small van or subcompact car capable of holding six or more terrorists or filled to the brim with explosives & nuclear materials. A suicide vehicle used as the delivery system for the explosives.
A van used in desert communities as a replacement for cammels. It has been known to have bell's mounted as a warning system in Arabic nations.
Bindi bus, Jingle bus, cammel car.

Hey Aknod, drive the bindi bus to the building & you will be rewarded with 60 virgins. Give me a call once you are there.
Fisal , bring the bindi to the mosque & we will load it with many gifts.

by complexed September 11, 2010

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