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Champagne Campaign

A military assignment of what was left of the 442nd Regiment at the end of 1944 to guard a part of southern France. The mission covered the seaside Alps down to French Riviera - a cush locale for a weekend pass.

After fighting the brutal Battle of the Bulge, the surviving members of the 442nd dubbed their new effort in the war The Champagne Campaign for the luxurious surroundings and ready supply of alcohol and women in Nice and local towns.

by EveryPennyofIt January 11, 2011

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whispering campaign

"A method of persuasion in which damaging rumors or innuendo are spread about the target, while the source of the rumors seeks to avoid being detected while spreading them (for example, a political campaign might distribute anonymous flyers attacking the other candidate). It is generally considered unethical in open societies, particularly in matters of public policy. The speed and anonymity of communication made possible by modern technologies like the Internet has increased public awareness of whispering campaigns and their ability to succeed. This phenomenon has also led to the failure of whispering campaigns, as those seeking to prevent them are able to publicize their existence much more readily than in the past. Whispering campaigns are defended in some circles as an efficient mechanism for underdogs to attack the powerful while lacking resources."

Source: Wikipedia.org

"Tonight you are a whispering campaign" -Panic! at the Disco

The whispering campaign ruined his chances of election.

by Tia Tragedy March 16, 2007

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Shame Campaign

Using the internet and media (even word-of-mouth) to expose hypocrisy in everyday situations to subversively benefit your own agenda (whether personal or organizational).

The Local Newspaper didn't cover the local music event... so, we used a Shame Campaign via tweets and emails to the larger media saying, "our town and its newspaper don't support the arts." The next week, we had a full page spread.

by TRWARD321 October 13, 2015

oscar campaign

Similar to a political election campaign but with Hollywood producers and hopefuls, usually white or Jewish men, who spend a lot of money organizing events to wine and dine voters to try and win votes. These usually involve screenings and standing in circles to jerk each other off while telling each other how great their films are. Once the campaign is over they remind themselves they won the award because the film was actually the most outstanding.

That was an exhausting yet exciting oscar campaign, I can't believe we won, I never saw it coming.

by Toadster82 January 10, 2017

champagne campaign

a group of words inserted by 50 cent (a.k.a. curtis jackson) when he panics and doesnt remember how to finish a rhyme

50: uhhh... on my champagne campaign
crowd: fuck that he already used it
^crowd leaves

by paddywagon December 5, 2005

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Smear Campaign

(n) : the aftermath of wiping your butt after taking a super greasy dump. When you go to wipe, instead of actually cleaning the poop from your backside, the toilet paper just spreads the greasy dung around, prompting you to use hella toilet paper in order to do a proper wipe job.

"Man I think I need to stay away from the Bloomin' Onion and baby-back ribs combo at Outback. My shit was so greasy this morning; total Smear Campaign."

by Stavros Nikkapoppolous December 18, 2019

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Campaign Supernova

The final destination John McCain, Sarah Palin, and the U.S. Republican Party will reach on November 4th, 2008, at approximately 9 p.m. eastern time. When the election season reaches this logical conclusion, the GOP Presidential ticket and congressional candidates will go out in a spectacular, flaming display; and Americans will find McCain caught beneath a landslide, in a Campaign Supernova "in the sky".

Mark your calendars for Nov. 4th: if you go outside after the polls close on the East Coast, you should be able to see McCain-Palin explode in a Campaign Supernova.

by Ronald Ray Gun October 29, 2008

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