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A game popular in my school that everyone won't shut the fuck up about. It is commonly played by virgins.

Jimmy Virgins: hey dude wanna play fortnite?
Me: twist your neck virgin

by Fizzzyy July 26, 2019

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The worst game ever created after 2020, it sucks, and 8 and 9-year-olds rage and talk sh5t on it.

fortnite sucks

by NCiscrackedatfortnitelol May 24, 2021

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A popular third person shooter game where thots try and play fortnite, men try to make money but poorly fail, and where kids play and get their first boner.

Why the fuck is my little brother watching fortnite porn?

by Im serious. December 28, 2018

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person 1; "you wanna play fortnite..."
person 2; "NO!"

by The One You Call God October 2, 2020

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A shitty PUBG reskin that little kids play and constantly post their solo wins on social media and forums, such as Reddit. The game doesn't release new content, excluding Gay dances and Shitty Emotes. Their motto: Play Fortnite for free to prolong your Virginity

Kid: Yo, wanna play fortnite. Logang4Life
A weeb: Fuck off, you little shit

by Green7501 October 16, 2018

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A game that kills brain cells of anyone that plays or watches it.

Kid-can i play fortnite ?
Doctor-no you will become retarded

by Karka August 5, 2018

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A battle royale game that has caused many gaming companies to put a battle royale mode of some kind into their games to dick ride the battle royale craze to drain its balls until they're the size of grape seeds. If you enjoy Fortnite, you're probably some edgy 13 year old, who smokes real shitty ditch weed, drinks more energy drinks than is healthy, and thinks doing Fortnite dances in public is cool. Oh, and you might have moderate to severe Autism if you enjoy Fortnite, which is basically Minecraft with guns, and golf carts

Friend: Hey, you wanna play Fortnite?
Me: You mean Fortshite? Thanks, but I'd like to keep my brain cells

by Morganfreemanisgod,dealwithit December 13, 2018

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