Source Code


anus chode

go smoke an anus chode

by blunt anus July 2, 2003

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i think it is a brownish paper rolled into a stick figurerish type of thang dude

yo dun pass me a blunt,suut and while u at dat get me a extra big azz blunt and 4sweet suut now round here we call dis triple case of smoking niggah

by Anonymous July 1, 2003

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Burning the midnight owl

When you do stay up way too late and do Duolingo lessons. This can refer to you doing too many lessons and staying up late as a consequence or doing lessons only moments before midnight.

Person A: Why is Jenny on her phone at the party?
Person B: It's almost midnight abd she doesn't wanna lose her streak. She's burning the midnight owl.

Person C: Why are you still awake at 3 am?
Person D: I got hung up on my Doulingo lessons. You know, burning that midnight owl.

by Momma Sunshine April 18, 2024

Six Owls

A very very very good artist that creates very very very good things.

"Wow, I wish I didn't make this mistake and actually got Six Owls to create my mixtape cover. He's amazing"

by NotSixOwls November 23, 2021

Lousy Owl

On the surface a good person, but underneath there's a dark side that's been repressed and is just waiting to come out. Usually from disagreement, or from alcohol, these people will turn from friendly to hateful and spiteful at the drop of a hat.

The kind of person that you can't believe beats his wife, that guy you don't drink with anymore, if you disagree in the slightest they become a very mean and spiteful person.

"Hoss is a great guy for the most part, but there's a lousy owl lurks in him."
"Watch out with them, that's a group of lousy owls"

by evil texan December 22, 2023

Mama Owl

A former teacher who makes tik toks about situations in school from requests sent to her. She acts out these requests and one of her tik toks went viral because of the way she acted out an embarrassing situation.

β€œYou’re going to pay your penance now” -Mama owl

by Stella_ July 4, 2024

Mama Owl

Mama Owl was a TikTok influencer who made videos about stories sent into her, most revolving around Childhood S/A Awareness, etc.
June of 2024, people started pointing out that it was weird she acted out a child's pants being pulled down and the teacher saying "its time to pay your penance", and "too bad you're trans, I cant get the full effect." A couple days later people screen recorded her on a live saying "Why would I find Jesus? Hes dead, hes decomposing." After a lot more controversy and drama, Mama Owl was banned. After getting banned and losing her job, people began to feel bad.
In the end it turned out she didn't get that story sent in to her, it was made up.

"Mommy, who's Mama Owl?"
*Sigh* "Its a long story bb"

by realloganfieldsthatrhymeshaha July 12, 2024

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