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Low-Down on the Down-Low

To let someone know what's going on... discretely.

Joe: Why does everyone in the office seem so nervous today?

Stacey: Word is, someone's getting canned. If you want the LDODL, talk to Amy.

Joe: What the hell is LDODL?

Stacey: Low-Down on the Down-Low. I've already said too much.

by funkthefavorites May 10, 2011

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Derek Lowe

The Sinkerball pitcher for the BoSox. He is a groundout pitcher. He has a great sinker and a pretty good fastball. In 2004 he has had some trouble and has not pitched to his potential.

Derek Lowe got a double play.

by parliment July 24, 2004

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Low bag

Low bag (verb) or 'low bagging'. This is when someone leaves early from work but doesn't want other people to know. So he/she keeps their bag low as they walk out the door not saying anything to anyone so it looks like they're just going for a toilet or coffee break.

Woody has gone and done a low bag again. It's 4.45pm and he's nowhere to be seen!

by Doogie Dundee March 24, 2017

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sittin' low

taking a shit

Where's Rob? Oh, he's in the bathroom sittin' low.

by moshpitmick July 13, 2010

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Low Shot

a very insulting remark that gos beyond the bounds of the topic at hand.

"yeah, I got a lower score on the test, but atleast my girlfriend doesn't have a lazy eye"

"ooo that's a low shot"

by blubun October 12, 2008

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Low Banker

The most degrading and brutal insult known to man

โ€œThat guy Jonah is such a low bankerโ€

by Nick&oscar December 24, 2019

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Andrew Low

Andrew is honestly the best friend anyone could ever ask for because when you're down he is always there to help you and make you feel better about yourself. Andrew will do anything to make his friends feel better and anyone would be lucky to have him.

Andrew low is the best person alive.

by Salamander14682483659 March 23, 2017

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