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Lunch Out

To stare off into space or day dream. Most of the time this happens when you get stoned or are strung out. Also known as lunching or Out to lunch, or being as smart as a lunch box. Dazed.

I have been partying for a few days strait and now its time to lunch out.

That guy must be stoned ... he looks like hes lunching out.

by Beetles420 April 3, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Box lunch

After the man cums inside of a woman...he or somone else procedes to perform oral on the woman.

To get even with her boyfriend, the girl went to the bar had sex with a stranger when she got home rather than having sex again she told him to go down on her and served him a box lunch.

by Kristopher F. Carson April 25, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

arabian lunch

the act of inserting hummus and your pubic hair into a girls anus. and extracting it with your tongue

Tad: Serkan, What happened to all the hummus?
Serkan: I used it last night, I had an Arabian lunch.
Tad: With that girl who gave you AIDS.
Serkan: Yessir

by adamserkandevin May 14, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

lunch lips

juicy lips
big lips

Look at the lunch lips on that lady!

by c. note November 1, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

lunch box

a familiar term for a fat guy (usually your friend, or hetero-life partner)

"Hey, Lunchbox!!! Check out the tits on that bitch!!!"

by jay February 6, 2003

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out to lunch

a) A sign that is put on the outside of a business premesis that is indicating that it is temporarily non functional, and that business will resume within the hour.

b) not paying attention.

Out to lunch, back at one.

He's out to lunch.

by Kung-Fu Jesus April 18, 2004

46๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

School Lunch

You spend 5 hours constantly taking it up the ass by teachers learning shit that most of it won't help you in the future. You are starving because you were "not allowed" to eat the nice breakfast at home and have to eat the schools dogshit cereal cups and dogshit yogurt (That is if your grade ranges through 1st to 8th grade) and left starving. It is finally mid noon and ready to eat the lunch which is the main focus on this definition which in lunch does not involve being assrammed by constant work. BUT NO! School districts are always trying to find ways to displeasure their "students". So they give their students this toxic waste they call lunch that when you look at it close enough you can see it moving. And no the lunch ladies do not deserve the blame because if they were in charge of the lunch they would have gave students better meals that don't look like it contains 30% plastic, 20% rubber, and 50% foodstuff. The syrup is not syrup because it moves like water and not the good ol' molasses-movin' syrup we used to put on our pancakes. All in all, the school lunch is horrible and it's mouth feel is even worse and Gordon Ramsay would have a fatal heart attack if he even was in the presence of it.

Kid 2: Tell me about' it, the school lunch looks like it came from another planet, I doubt even aliens will eat this gunk.

by BonelessJohn February 10, 2020

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