Chelsea is a beautiful girl with blonde wavy hair and stunning blue eyes! She is calm even when facing pressure. She is extremely creative and can go crazy with a pack of highlighters.
Chelsea will never put up with ‘Shit’! She will support her friends as long as she can, but when she feels she’s wasting her time, disrespected or used she can cut you off cold despite her feelings.
You’ll regret losing a Chelsea if you ever had the chance to call her your friend.
Chelsea is so much fun on a night out, the life of the party! I’m making new friends & never taking off those dancing shoes!
Chelsea will love you forever but will know when it’s time to walk away.
Them: Wow that girl is having the time of her life! Drama free!
They: That’s Chelsea! She’s amazing!
- A typical girl's name
- A name of a football/soccer club that is owned by a rich Russian
B : Chelsea is love, Chelsea is life?
A : Which Chelsea? A football club or your girlfirend?
B : Both. Because she's also a Chelsea fan.
A : That's nice.
A : (I can't believe it, she supports a crappy club.)
Chelseas are sweet & sexxxy!! But they also have a ferocious feisty side should you cross them wrong. Don’t get on their bad side because they are crafty and will find ways to secretly end you. They make for amazing friends and are talented beyond belief. The typical dog adorers with quite an athletic side! They’ll go the extra mile for anyone they deem worthy and are exceptional leaders.
Get yourself a “Chelsea.” Treat them right and they’ll be around for a lifetime! Although make a mistake and “Chelsea” will make sure you rot from the inside out.
Chelsea is super sweet and is never mean to anyone. She is so pretty and has really cute eyes. She is an amazing friend and such an amazing person!!
Chelsea has really pretty eyes.
She’s a girl who’s stronger than anyone you’ll ever know. If you ever come across someone with the name of Chelsea, just know that she’ll stick by you no matter what. She gives tough love and is amazing at what she does. If you know a Chelsea make sure to tell her that you love her and just how grateful you are to have her <3
I love you Chelsea.
Chelsea is an emo girl, she's not
like other girls and is extremely goofy.
Chelsea is also kind and hard working especially when she works with people.
Dude 1: I want this hot girl
Dude 2: Omg who queen slayer
Dude 1: Chelsea ;)
Dude 2: Give me some of that
Chelsea is a female name originating from Britain, meaning 'Safe harbor', 'See Goddess',' An harbor', 'Child of Grace '. Those with the name Chelsea feel that they are both creative and logical.
The true meaning of ‘Chelsea’ cannot be described with just a few words. Chelsea is a name that represents a tendency to exhibit extremes in terms of material success. A person with an AMAZING sense of humor.
Calm, even when facing pressure
Happy to lead any creature
Extremely talented, does everything to the best of her ability
Loves to be left alone and does not makes a scene
She's an amazing ray of sunshine
Exceptionally smart and she's so fine
Chelsea is quite a unique name anyone would want to give their child...
Their personality is the best out of like everyone, they are funny, kind, and truthful
My name is Chelsea