Source Code

Myrtle Beach

A place where band geeks, orchestra dorks, and choir kids go every April to get fried and have sex with each other. It is essentialy Vegas for high school music departments. Oh yeah, and there's also a music department competition somewhere buried in there. But mostly it's just about getting high and fucking.

"Dude I got 14 grams to smuggle to Myrtle Beach"

"Fuck yeah. Myrtle beach!"

by BandBurnout April 21, 2010

135๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

jacksonville beach

a place with so much drama you cant even imagine
if you're not used to being made fun of you will get rippped apart if you ever try living there or going to a school
if someone says a rumor about you almost everyone willl believe it and it will spred extremely quickly
none of the kids there have lives all they do is fight and do drugs
you can't trust anyone and no one has friends because everyone is a backstabbing slutt

kid 1- hey have u heard of jacksonville beach beach?
kid 2- oh, yeah that town with all the backstabbing bitchess and kids who are mean for no reason?
kid 1- yes exactly
kid 2- if i ever went there i would commit suicide

by hufjd July 24, 2008

109๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beach Bums

A really cool place to get indoor tans in and around New York/New Jersey

Hey guys, even though it's winter, lets go get tan at Beach Bums.

by Jace555 September 3, 2008

103๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

chesapeake beach

A shithole town in Upper Calvert County, Maryland. Also known as the most corrupt place in the State. Home to the "Rob & Steal" a hotel, restaurant and "bingo hall". Bingo is really code for slot machine and there are hundreds of unregulated rip-off machines in this tiny town. Of course, the hotel is owned by the former Mayor who is known by locals as "Boss Hogg" but even small town mayors who own all the commercial property in town have a boss themselves. Maryland's lifetime Senate President also resides there and is known for knocking off any competition to Boss Hogg in exchange for kickbacks. Bribery and corruption are out in the open. The most attractive qualities of the town are its bikers, drug dealers and hookers. Just go into any bar to find what you need!

Wanna go down to Chesapeake Beach? Nah man, last time I was there I lost all my money on slots, got in a fight with a biker and then caught clamydia from some girl named Krusty Kristy!

by Abc123iseasy April 6, 2016

100๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

Myrtle Beach

Myrtle beach is a city on the coast of South Carolina.Millions of tourists flood here every year for the nightlife,the beautiful beaches,and the loads of hot ass.But enough about that bullshit.

If you live here,it comes down to this.

1.Tons of bitches.
2.Tons of retarded tourists,who cannot drive.Pretty much all year long.
4.A strange mix of ghetto and upscale housing.

Myrtle Beach is awash with any and all races.
Russian/Ukrainian/Slovakian/Polish etc. that came for work
A smaller amount of asians.

Myrtle Beach is a town,if you live in it,where you can start with nothing,and scam,rip-off,rob,and connive tourists.

Tourists who come to Myrtle Beach and its surrounding areas such as Surfide,Garden City,Murrells Inlet,Pawleys Island,And Little River are smug with a sense of security.
They think this place is extremely safe,nothing could happen to them here.

I'm telling you...anything and everything can happen to you here.

Ex. 1
Tourist #1:Yo,lets head down to Myrtle Beach this summer!
Tourist #2:Hell yeah!

After vacation...

Tourist #1.Well...maybe i should lock my car more often....
Tourist #2.California?
Tourist #1.Hell yeah!

Ex. 2

Local #1.Summertime...this summer,our pockets shall not go empty!
Local #2.Well start with their CARS!

After hitting unlocked cars for a night(Which there is an amazing abundance of)the two check out their stash.

Gps Systems
Cell Phones
Sports Equipment
Car Keys
Credit Cards
Other miscellaneous expensive items.

Local #1.Next Weekend?
Local #2.Hell yeah!

by YoungFelon December 31, 2011

81๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

beach haven

basically the beverly hills of all beaches. your beach house is probably bigger than anyone of your friend's. you grew up going to fantasy island and mr. tee's, and if you were lucky you would be able to eat at chicken or the egg for breakfast. but if not, then defenitly shore good donuts, because those things are the shit. you ride your bike or longboard everywhere. two words: bay. village. the best fucking shopping center in the world. those elephant ears are to die for. and don't lie, you get a henna tattoo everytime you're there. you don't mind spending $2,000 in island gypsy. it's not the most you've spent in a store. beach haven is home to the best restaurants in the world. when you heard those bells ring, you dashed all the way to the street to get ice cream. you always go to the bayside to watch the sunset. beach haven is your home. you fucking love it. you wouldn't trade it for the world.

lauren: i finally get to feel like what it's like to be rich. my family is renting a beach house in beach haven!

anna: oh that's funny, because i think it's mine...

by ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒป April 5, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

winter beaching

an activity relating to the fine art of relaxing, being the acts of lazing on a rug whilst listening to mix cds and drinking coffee, not necessarily in winter but preferably taking place at a secluded beach

let's go winter beaching next week

by linda April 15, 2005

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