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Mississippi soup kitchen

The act of vomiting inside a woman's vagina, eating her out, and then vigorously fornicating her without any showers in between steps. Optional: The woman may wish to use PVC piping to open the male's anus and perform the same act on him, only she uses a strap-on.

Jeff gave a Philippino transgender hooker a Mississippi soup kitchen upon her request. She returned the favor upon Jeff's request.

by Yobungus1337 May 19, 2011

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Mississippi mud pie

The art of shitting in a hollowed out watermelon and fucking it until it’s purple

I’m so horny I could really use a Mississippi mud pie right now

by Chief beatty May 16, 2018

22πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

mississippi swamp monster

A sex act that is an elaboration on the houdini, where the male defecates upon the bed prior to performing said houdini. Then once the houdini is performed, the male forcibly shoves the female's face into the excrement, thus giving her the appearance of a swamp monster from the deep south.

I gave Shannon a mississippi swamp monster, she ate that shit up!

by dismal swamp August 23, 2009

39πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Mississippi Mud Milkshake

When a person gives themselves an enema, but holds it in. You then have vigorous sex. Just before climax, he rams his dick in your ass and cums. When he pulls out the fluids explode from your rectum like blender on high speed with no lid on.

Man, me and George tried a Mississippi Mud Milkshake last night.....let's just say the housekeeper isn't gonna be happy in the morning.

by Poetanddidntknowit October 10, 2017

208πŸ‘ 170πŸ‘Ž

Mississippi Oil Change

When you give one of your sisters an enema and then take her used enema water and give your other sister an enema with it, it is called a Mississippi Oil Change.

I read this on SoulSeek today. Some kid in a chat room is named Mississippi Oil Change. I asked him if it was like a Mexican Oil Change but he gave me the definition seen above.

by Russell Upsome December 7, 2007

18πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

mississippi mud pie

when a man or a women shits in their hand and throws it like a pie at their partners face

just after i got through shitting on larrys chest he gave me a mississippi mud pie!

by M!l3S October 5, 2010

61πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Mississippi Mud Flap

stupid redneck mullet

"If I see anyone with a Mississippi Mud Flap, I'm going to slit his neck, and shit down his throat."

by Sampson420ex October 3, 2004

83πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž