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the oldest definition on Urban Dictionary, here it is. Try reading it 10 times, I don't think it will be easy.

the title of this definition lol

the oldest definition on Urban Dictionary, here it is. Try reading it 10 times, I don't think it will be easy.

by Brey234 August 16, 2021

9๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

I really don't want you to get hungry

I really don't want you to get hungry

I really don't want you to get hungry

by I really don't want you to get August 29, 2021

i don't want to go to school today i want to stay home and bake cookies with you

from the movie Space Jam. Often used by men who are dating women that are no good for them, in circumstances such as Facebook. usually found by the next girlfriend many years later.

(On a guy's facebook page) "I don't want to go to school today I want to stay home and bake cookies with you...(insert skank's name here)".

by nonymoose999 April 28, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


Created in 2010 by Jevastus Destinus, this "word" means someone that doesn't have the slightest fucking idea what they're talking about, but they're talking anyways.

Jevastus: Yo, you're a fag. I hope you knew that. :-)
Idiot: Umm.... no I didn't. But thanks anyways.
Jevastus: Yes you did, you fucking I-don't-have-the-slightest-fucking-idea-what-I'm-talking-about-but-I'm-opening-my-fucking-mouth-anyways-^_^ fag. :-)

by Jevastus Destinus January 18, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

I don't give a pink fuck, a blue fuck, a grey fuck, a green fuck, a me fuck, youfuck, no fuck

I don't give a pink fuck, a blue fuck, a grey fuck, a green fuck, a me fuck, youfuck, no fuck means you don't give a fuck.

You: Hfjone sucks. I hate you!!!
Me: I don't give a pink fuck, a blue fuck, a grey fuck, a green fuck, a me fuck, youfuck, no fuck.
You: I'm sorry!! *CRIES*

by hfjonefan0159391-59105 September 25, 2022

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

I hope you don't reproduce

A common response in a debate--usually on an online forum--when a person can't really refute their opponent's argument but wants to sound intelligent anyway.

Person A: "'The Wizard of Oz' is the greatest cinematic achievement of the 20th century."
Person B: "What a ridiculous thing to say! What about 'Star Wars?' 'The Breakfast Club?' Or 'The Matrix?'"
Person A: "'The Wizard of Oz' is more quotable, had better character and plot development, appealed to a larger audience and still dazzles fans with it's comparatively primitive special effects to this day."
Person B: "'The Wizard of Oz' sucks and I hope you don't reproduce, you have no business being a parent."
Person A: "I see. You must have developed your debate skills in an American public school. Nice."

by kevthenurse January 21, 2014

5๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

i don't know why but the voices are there to haunt me in the night eternally leaving only the thought of regression of self through the creation of fantasy to cope with reality

These are the questions that keep me up until dawn in my sorrow and emptiness. I cannot escape they say they are there to protect me but in the amidst of the hollow dark i find myself in every time i fall asleep I can feel them creeping through my soul and my veins, i have went to many places for help but it looks like some of them aren't even real places anymore, I don't know if i could continue living this simulation, I can feel the voices of people too they are the ones trying to get me to think that I don't belong in this world.

Do I really don't belong here because of the figment of my imagination, all the faces, all the noise, all the people that I see every day seem to just be something I created off of my loneliness...
I can't do this anymore...

"i don't know why but the voices are there to haunt me in the night eternally leaving only the thought of regression of self through the creation of fantasy to cope with reality"

Dude A: This is the most emo shit you have ever written... are you high or something?
Dude B: I could go further you know.

by there they are, the voices. January 28, 2023