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Voice Crush

An intense liking towards the voice of the certain person. This liking of the voice may result in an infatuation towards the whole person in general (even if nothing else about them is attractive) ; but it originated from their voice.

Tanya: Hey do you know John?
Nat: Yeah what about him?
Tanya: I got a major voice crush on him!

by jadestone June 12, 2014

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Back crushing

When you start thinking about an old crush or an ex.

Dude: It was nice seeing her again and on the way home from work a song came on that reminded me of us.

Dude 2: You're totally back crushing homeboy!

by TOPANGA18 April 7, 2011

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Secret Crush

A secret crush is someone you only meet once but they make such an impression that you never forget about them. Eventually, you develop a crush on the idea of them and long for the relationship you imagine in your head.

Originally coined on the show How I Met Your Mother in the episode "Hopeless."

Robin: β€œOh, my god! My secret crush is here!”

Lily: β€œMila Kunis?!”

Robin: β€œNo, MY secret crush. We met a few years ago. . . . I had to leave before we finished talking so that was it. You know, ever since then, I’ve always… Oh, my god, he’s coming over!β€œ

by IceCreamShopRomance January 25, 2012

68πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

girl crush

feelings of admiration and adoration which a girl has for another girl, without wanting to shag said girl. a nonsexual attraction, usually based on veneration at some level.

related to boy crush

I have a girl crush on a girl from a band. she can sing, she's GORGEOUS, she's doing an awesome degree and she's intelligent. i want to BE her.

by ezz September 27, 2004

3189πŸ‘ 661πŸ‘Ž

Statuatory Crush

A feeling of sexual desire for someone with whom sex would be considered statutory rape.

Eric had a statuatory crush on our hot English teacher.

by aweeze November 21, 2009

38πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

teacher crush

When a student takes a fancy to a teacher, mostly a young one relative to said student's age.

"Damn man, you totally want to get with that teacher"
"Chill dude, it's just a teacher crush"

by DrumMan44 April 9, 2008

182πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Your crush

Your Crush is someone you wanna cuddle, kiss, talk to, spend time with, date, and fuck.

Yo, who’s your crush

by LOOLF November 1, 2019

44πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž