A group of Karens is known as a privilege.
A privilege of Karens refused to leave the park after being told it was closed.
A bias in favor of something seen over something unseen.
One guest appeared live in the studio, while the other was on a speakerphone; the first one had sight privilege and got his point across better.
blaming poor performance on prior poor performance
Logan's room had declined cartoonish depiction, as he invoked slack privilege to family and friends.
The idea that people who are alive have more legal rights and protections and are often valued more socially by mainstream society and the government compared to people who are deceased.
People need to be more mindful of about the Privilege of the Living. Just because someone has died does not mean that they no longer have any value.
When a graduate of the Syracuse University S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications lacking knowledge of sports, passion, talent, energy, or a sense of humor gets a job in sports media due to cronyism, nepotism, or laziness of media executives.
Can you believe how bad the “Orange Privilege” stiffs hapless WFAN has on the air are? These guys couldn’t get jobs in Toledo or Wichita and they get hired in NYC thanks to O.P.!
When someone hides a miis nose
Vernias, while making a Kirby mii: no more sniffing privileges!
Applies to anyone who is privileged enough to live in a developed country with free access to the vaccine, however, after having taken said vaccine (and booster), they still believe that Covid poses a significant threat to them. They are systematically incapable of recognizing that the prolongation of 'restrictions' has serious ramifications upon those less fortunate than themselves. Will commonly refer to as 'a pandemic of the unvaccinated', which is code for resentment towards those who do not agree with their worldview
Dave: Why is he wearing his mask still? The CDC says that 82% of Americans have been vaccinated.
Steve: He has got Covid privilege