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Embroid Rage

Noun - term used to describe the ailment of a man, usually of the douchy variety, that is wearing an excessive amount of embroidery designs on his shirt/jeans.

Did you see all of the crazyness that was on that guy's shirt at the nickelback concert?

Yeah, he was really suffering from embroid rage.

by bucknroses July 6, 2010

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Raging Seagull

A sexual maneuver that is performed by getting on a Ferris wheel, waiting till your at the top and masturbating onto the cart below if they're open casket type. As the jizz hits their shoulder, you caw like a madman and cry out "BEWARE THE RAGING SEAGULL!!"

"What the fu-"
"I'll Fucking kill you!"

by The Crazed Fiend July 27, 2008

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Raging Chris

Where someone starts to get mad and doesn't know how to control them self. Possibly reaches for the closest object to throw at what is making him/her rage.

Whoa there looks like your getting a raging chris maybe you should calm down.

by SirMike December 7, 2009

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k rage

noun: the uncontrollable rage exhibited by a Korean when they are either drunk or charged by racial slurs.

alternative forms: k raged, k raging

Brad: Hey man, last night's party was sick.

Connor: Yeah, it was wild. But Min Ju was a total downer. He went all k rage on one of the guys because he accidentally stepped on his foot, so he started calling him a slut and a spoiled douche because he was a white kid. He immediately followed up by talking about Koreans and why they're the most superior of all Asian races.

by br4v3y April 3, 2009

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minimum rage

A state of anger brought on by being underpaid.

I just found out my salary is 20% below market. I've got some serious minimum rage.

by Justice Walker April 14, 2008

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Road Rage

The act or feeling of agression towards the dumbasses that share the nations hiways with one.

Road rage: if you don't have it, you're probably causing it.

by Jesus February 25, 2003

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The Raging Bull

When Your Fucking A Girl DoggyStyle Vaginally And All Of A Sudden You Shuv Your Dick In Her Ass And she falirs her nostrils in anger from you doing that and she starts bucking like a bull trying to get the dick out of her ass.

I was Fucking This Girl Last Night And I Decided To Give Her The Raging Bull And She Hasn't Called Me Since
AKA-The Angry Bull/ The Angry Bull

by ManteoCity March 9, 2015

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