A white girl in a group of predominantly ethnic minority friends that goes from one crush to another, will never date a white boy. The group will usually exclude white boys.
You don't stand a chance with her she's a hoe-yo
When the hoe you're smashing panics because she doesn't know when her man is coming home.
Fred: How did it go with Chloe man?
Jack: I don't wanna talk about it, she is a panic hoe
The particular type of garment (often called a jumper) worn by promiscuous young females who have never done a day of hard labor ( or dirty labor, which would require real overhauls) in their life.
Often worn with one shoulder strap hanging down seductively, the hoe-verhauls are just another tool in the temptresses's toolbox.
A person you talk to in text or chat that you have no intention of going out with. Just to fill the gap until you find your next date.
Jason used Ann as a bridge Hoe until he met his girl Katie.
A plethora of whores, typically exaggerating their body count by the double to sound educated.
Known for preying on innocent white boys.
That was totally “Hoes-Galore” I cannot believe she gives out blowjobs to the needy.
A really good looking bitch. But is a bit of a slag.
She will cheat on you.
She's a fire hoes!
outlandish hoe - to be fake and weird acting when it comes to social media.
that outlandish hoe has nothing better to do than run her mouth onna gram