Source Code

b l o

Roasted, toasted, and bloasted

How do you spell roasted, toasted, and bloasted?
b l o

by Mo Fathin September 23, 2019

B-Rate Entertainment

Hope I have provided you with some B-Rate Entertainment this evening

When you are single and your best friend is married with 3 kids

You go on Tinder and have a text message conversation with a single man who has full custody of his 2 yr old.

You ask why.

He says the baby mamma beat the baby up when he was at work.

He called the police, placed a report and now he has full custody.

He is looking for dates on Tinder as a single dad.

You take a screen shot of the messed up conversation with your Tinder match and send it to you best friend.

You tell her it is B-Rate Entertainment from your single girl friend.

You hope she gets a laugh and a sigh of relief from it because she has a beautiful

by Billy-Soo January 26, 2020


An {emoticon} representing a character with raised sunglasses and a disappointed face.

Most often it is used in conjunction with {B)} to show sudden realisation or a dark twist to a happy idea.

The idea was popularized on Tumblr after a user unknown posted a drawing of the two emoticons as characters, side by side.

"Stab your eyes out for free eye care B)
But you might get sent to a mental hospital B:|"

by abdulassi February 28, 2021


One of the most influential and lucrative businesses of all time, owned by the Asians&Beaners hence the name A&B these young mean have amassed trillions of dollar by being sexy and have cool deep voices

Big A&B”

by A&B King November 22, 2020

matty b raps

matty b raps is the newest next generation's up coming rapper. when you hear the words "matty b raps sucks" kill that bitch on sight. matty b is bomb af and every needs to know about it. go stream "Ms. jackson" its so good. youll turn into matty b.





"yo did you hear that sick matty b rap song"
"who tf is matty b raps"
(gets shot)

by biancydonkey September 19, 2022

Biggie B

somone who gives the best slop top in the whole world

somone who is the throat goat and wears thigh highs and eats ketchup and butter

brogan is the throat goat the biggie b

by hypnokage1 January 6, 2023

K x B

K x B is one of the best fucking ships in the world. Like the fucking best. They are a perfect match. If your beginning letter is a K/B, and if your crushes name starts with a K/B tell em you fucking like them. Trust me. I know y’all will have so much kids and fuck each other and make out almost all the fucking time ;D (a.k.a the fuck is gonna feel the best)

Someone 1 - I heard K & B went to the bed and made it white(er)
Someone 2 - Damn…I hope they had a really good one.
Someone 3 - K x B really is the perfect ship

by ;$$6378!!;:&28282&!;: July 19, 2022