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Brett is an amazing guy! One of the best friends you can have. Always gives good advice and lifts you up when you’re feeling down. Brett has all the best qualities! He’s so handsome, charming, funny, best gamer I know and probably will ever meet, and he has really great hair! Brett is adored by his two pups and gives them the best cuddles. Everyone should get themselves a friend like Brett and hold on to him!

Random guy: “Woah! What’s that hair style called?

Other guy: “How could you not know?! It’s the Brett”

by Beaniebunnie May 6, 2022


The name brett is very rare for people to be called when brett’s are born they will be born with. A 21 inch cock n they often smack bludclart s called Connor conner are known to ave no gyal on der phone lil gays n over all bretts are da best BMT

Wus b nowt nowt why u got a tree trunk in ya joggers brett I ain’t let me see blud clart got sent to Australia we the force of that comein out

by D0gface1212 June 6, 2021


Brett is the type of guy to date tall chicks and girls named lanie and is the hotest guy in school had has a friended named gunner and brody

Is brett dating lanie

by Brett vivl May 14, 2022


The best person

As known as Kankerbrot

Person 1: Who's that?
Person 2: That's brett aka kankerbrot

by Kankerbredie December 13, 2019


Brett is super athletic especially at football and is always nice to everyone. His super popular and is one of the best friends you can have. Girls love him because he is charming and athletic.

Brett is a really nice person and a great friend is the reason why he is so popular

by Krayons 213 April 26, 2023


A Brett is a star trek loving boring af man from Nantucket. He thinks he is brilliant but he is a tool. He loves maple syrup and waitresses. He has children but can't stand children. Brett's usually live alone in tiny apartments with rent a center furniture having conversations with themselves in a mirror. Run if you see a Brett.

That guy watching Star Trek is a Brett. Run.

by TexasBornBabe April 23, 2022


Leader of the Puny Pecker People, because his puny pecker is so unbelievably small that you cant even see it with a microscope. But he still get any girl he wants, and is extremely hot and sexy.


by PUNYPECKERPETER July 11, 2022