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Megan Allysa

Objectively very hideous 35 year old loser who lives on online message boards stalking and comparing herself to strangers all day long. Makes up fake stories and lies about her life when in real life she gets no male attention and all males find her repulsive. Uses forums to pretend to be the beautiful woman she wishes she was offline as a form of escapism. Obsessive and envious over younger women who get men in real life because she's an incel virgin who is too ugly to get a man.

"Wow man this girl keeps creeping up on my page"
"You got yourself a Megan Allysa!"

by Joppa Lee May 21, 2020

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Megan Thomas

Megan Thomas is a girl with the most amazing everything. She's is extremely intelligent, funny, and she knows how to argue until she wins. She never gives up & she's just awesome all around. She has the biggest heart, and makes the most perfect girlfriend.

Him: "Oh my gosh.. did you just see that gorgeous girl walk by?!"
Dude 2: "She was so a Megan Thomas!!

by blblbl13 September 7, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

megan fox

cheap tranny who starred in the Transformers movies. underwent numerous plastic surgery to look hot and is beleived to be the "hottest woman alive" by numerous men. trying too hard to look like Angelina Jolie, and is actually not hot at all.

Megan Fox has enough plastic in her body to make 10,000 coke bottles.

by SexyLexie September 1, 2009

2643๐Ÿ‘ 991๐Ÿ‘Ž

Megan Fox

-"Actress" of average skill and average looks.
-Tries too hard to look like Angelina Jolie even though she'll never admit it.
-Has the same vapid, open mouth look on her face
-Has an inflated ego and says stupid shit that fanboys think are "cool" and "funny" but those of us with a brain recognize that they make her sound stupid
-Thinks she's the "rebel" of Hollywood, but really she's exactly like every other Hollywood whore
-Quoted as saying she doesn't want to be famous because of her looks but continues to pose naked for various magazines
-Basically only 15 year old fan boys think she's hot but don't try to disagree with them, they'll just tell you that you're either a gay guy or a jealous female.

"Does your mom know you're gay?"
^^^Typical response from a Megan Fox fanboy.

by katie was here July 5, 2009

3960๐Ÿ‘ 1481๐Ÿ‘Ž

Megan Fox

Some ignorant woman with poor acting skills.

She's only attractive because of all the surgery she has had.
She often does interviews were she highly contradicts herself, hence why she is a dumb bitch.

Megan Fox:I used to cut myself when i was younger. I was really insecure.blah blah blah. I have a strong confident vagina.

The world:Yeah sure Megan, because you know, vagina's aren't apart of you.

by xemilymariex November 12, 2009

2124๐Ÿ‘ 785๐Ÿ‘Ž

Megan Fox

Overrated. The girl version of Matthew McConaughey. Megan is just another person who shouldn't be put on the pedestal like she is some sort of goddess. Just remember that Megan Fox takes dumps & she has toes for thumbs. Oh & she doesn't look like Angelina Jolie! How do they even fit in the same sentence? I don't get that.


Brittany Spankers: You sad, lonely boy. Even if she were as hot as you say is, she isn't spending her time daydreaming about a 14-year-old boy. Get over it.

by Snickertoodle February 8, 2010

1756๐Ÿ‘ 645๐Ÿ‘Ž

Megan Fox

A drugged up harpy and the acting equivalent to Ke$ha who somehow tranced into numerous alternate universes until she found the one that was able to land her in a life with other "a-list" actresses. Except there's something that's missing. Oh, right...talent. She never took any acting lessons or went to any talent schools or agencies. She can only run 2 miles per hour and just has a 3 inch vertical leap. Many were to believe she would be the one to captivate the box office. Well Michael Bay, you picked the wrong bitch and now it has costed us middle class people dearly. If Hollywood was the way it was 10 years ago, she would not make it. And what we heard from Transformers crew members and Mickey Rourke, she's unqualified to be acting. Unfortunately it doesn't matter, because she's set to kill a bunch of franchises in the future.

Film Agent: Well, you're just about set to be a big "star". Anything we need to know before we proceed?
Megan Fox: Well I got a lot of plastic surgery.
Film Agent: That's 'kay.
Megan Fox: And I can't read.
Film Agent: That's 'kay.
Megan Fox: And I'm a pot addict.
Film Agent: That's 'kay.
Megan Fox: And I got an inflated ego. Like I'm a real big bitch and I want to do things MY way, even if it would turn the whole project around. And I doubt I'll make any friends or be a great role model.
Film Agent: That's 'kay.
Megan Fox: And I intend to bring a weapon to one of my movies sets.
Film Agent: That's 'kay.
Megan Fox: Oh and I REALLY HATE acting.
Film Agent: That's 'kay. Is that it, otherwise congratulations YOU'VE MADE IT!!!

by Smart American Male May 31, 2010

1198๐Ÿ‘ 434๐Ÿ‘Ž