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Verb, meaning to deliberately crash a helicopter

Man fuck these kids on this helicopter, imma kobe this shit

by bigolruckus February 1, 2020


Something you used to say when you shoot a fadeaway or a jump shot but since he died it is illegal.

Dude 1: "Kobe "
Dude 2: "He died in a helicopter crash so you are not allowed to say it anymore.

by gagadad January 27, 2020


Kobe that pretty motha-fucka

Aye ain't that Kobe

by ¿‽? June 25, 2023


That pretty motha-fucka

Aye there go kobe

by ¿‽? June 24, 2023



shoot basket. yell kobe. start crying

by FoRtNiTeIsAgOoDgAmE January 30, 2020


Real life cornball

Kobe is a real life cornball

by ScaryMk January 6, 2023


He is very cute. A stoner, does lots of drugs, knows what he wants and when he wants it, and gets it. He may lie a lot, but has a good heart. Very rarely shows interest in things unless it’s drugs, sometimes his friends. You’re lucky if he’s ever nice to you. But he is so hot. Also easy to fall in love with.

Person 1: “You know Kobe? I think I’m in love with him.”

Person 2: “Omg that one hot druggie? I think I love him too.”

by 😏🤝😩 April 8, 2022