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i see forever in your eyes

Relationship between a 1st rower and a little girl.

"Alec, I see forever in your eyes."

by coco the mango September 9, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

poo eyes semen nacho feather leather coat

mishearing of lyrics in the song SAD! by XXXTentacion

guy 1: "why does this song say poo eyes semen nacho feather leather coat?"
guy 2: "it doesn't say that! you are just mishearing it"

by 0oiejr3ikg October 3, 2020

24๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

eye am sofa king re tod did

1. A joke that is written on a peice of paper and given to a blonde, a retarde, or someone who is just plain stupid.

2. A cruel joke used by retarded people to get other people to say "I am so fucking retarded".

3. The perfect way to confuse a blonde.

4. A great way to piss people off.

After, Alice protested that she was not a dumb blond, we gave her the test. She read that little sheet of paper saying "Eye am sofa king re Tod did" until someone stopped her, which was 15 minutes later.

by Amberologyism! September 4, 2006

118๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

one eye open when i am sleepin

Its when you have one eye open when you are sleepin. One eyeeeeeee

one eye open when i am sleepin, one eyeeeeee

by VroomVroomVroomVroomVroom October 6, 2021

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

eye hem sofa king We Todd Ed

well you are, just read it fast, you know?

Hey Adrian!...yeah you...read this "eye hem sofa king We Todd Ed!" No way, yeah, you really are!

by Rick May 18, 2004

48๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Go pound sand up the eye of your cock

Extended, modified version of the traditional expression "go pound sand", use this version when you really want that special someone to fuck off.

Dave: Dude, you owe my 5$!

Kyle: Dave, I don't have your money, go pound sand up the eye of your cock.

by Leeroy Jenkems 420 November 3, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Double inverted red eye( double inverted moon)

Two people back to back linking their arms together, one person then bends forward until parralel to the ground. Second person lays on that persons back lifting their legs straight up forming a straight line with the persons legs you're lying on. If you have no clothes on then you would be performing the double inverted red eye.

A two person ass flash also known as a double inverted red eye( double inverted moon)

by Dick n' omo May 12, 2013