A good piece of ass, a good lay
Kristy your a good piece!
Weed that is so strong/potent that it smacks you right on the couch.
Me and the boys got some good smacks this weekend!
Damn bro those are some good smacks.
Cordelia Goode the only supreme!
Cordelia Goode - the supreme of the world
1. The flavor of Velveeta after being used as a lubricant for purposes of sex or masturbation.
2. The sensation of sexual satisfaction after using Velveeta as a lubricant for sex, masturbation, or any of a number of penetrative acts.
I just rubbed one out that was finger licking good!
A try-hard term in GTA, when you hit someone over the head with a Pool Cue.
*Hits a bystander over the head with a pool cue*
You: "Good Bobbles..."
Good cooties are cooties you get from your lover/partner those aren’t bad cooties those are cooties to be happy about sharing
Partner:ew you have cooties
Partner 2: I have good cooties
A belief that one should practice good boi behavior in order to maximize the positive in life.
In addition, you should follow or surround yourself with people who have good boi character and behavior if u are having a hard time escaping bad influences/behavior
She should start using good doggo philosophy because her exes have all been abusive