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ruff riders

An increasingly popular name for new gangs after DMX's retirement. The most popular is the mainstream bike stunt crew. There is known to be Ruff Riders gangs in Montreal Canada, various places in the north east of the US, and california which operate like most street gangs. There are also known dog fighting Ruff Ryders gangs in the south east coast of the US.

Them boyz from south street think they Ruff Riderz ill show'em a real one from new york.

Them Ruff Riders kno how to train they pitts.

by Frank Defilipo November 3, 2007

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Ghost Rider

A combative employed by bicycle cops. You take an unmanned bicycle and ram it into your opponent.

The park ranger ghost ridered the purse snatcher after he decided to fight instead of surrender.

by CumbreVieja February 13, 2013

8๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Unicorn Rider

The nickname given to a woman who fantasizes about riding fierce, mysteriously beautiful mythical creatures during sex.

"Wat. Krystina fantasizes about riding mythical creatures during sex?"
"Yeah, she's a Unicorn Rider."

by BigSondra December 9, 2010

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Dick rider

a woman who uses the sex position where she is on top in a neeling position and the man is on his back between her legs and she rides up and down on his dick.

Kathy is a dick rider.

by Deep blue 2012 December 7, 2009

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five rider

member of the bloods street gang

hell rell, official five rider- hell rell(dip set)

by jimmyjump55555 October 13, 2006

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G Rider

A G Rider is a guy who always has a woman. They aren't players. They get over girls quick. They know how to act and talk to their lady. They don't use women and are gentlemen. When one girl is gone they always have another one. They don't cheat and they can easily stay with a girl for extended periods of time. They aren't like every other guy who just wants in a girls pants, but they might try. They actually care about their women and don't pretend to care, unlike players.
G Riders only have 1 woman at a time.

Playa 1: Yo nigga you see Morgen? He be gettin them ladiez.

Playa 2: Yeah man he always treat 'em right nigga. How come I can't get the ladiez to love me like that?

Playa 1: I don't know cuz. He's just a straight G Rider.

by G_Ridin509 June 7, 2009

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Steel Rider

A steel rider is someone who removes the seat off of their bicycle and inserts the bar that connects to the seat into their anus or vagina, depending on their sex, and rides the bike while the bar is still inside of them to their destination.

Friend: "How did you get here so fast?"
Man: "I'm a steel rider, remember?"

by youwillregretit December 3, 2008

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