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Outrage Culture

The manufactured response of anger through misleading facts to be targeted against people/things who had nothing to do with the original events/“outrage

“Did you see those liberals banned Dr Seuss!”

Well Kyle, it was actually the publishers who made that decision, stop falling for Outrage Culture.

“They’re teaching Islam in school!”

Peter, they talk about all Abrahamic faiths during history in schools, they have for years. No ones converting your child, that’s Outrage Culture.

“Those pedo libtards are letting Men into Women bathrooms”

Ever heard of a co-op bathroom Jim? Stop listening to Tucker Carlson, he practices Outrage Culture.

by Alex123 March 15, 2021

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culture vulture

A person who loves art, music, movies, and dance, and all forms of culture so much that they consume whatever they find, whether or not it's any good. Like birds that scavenge by the roadside, culture-vultures feast on art wherever they find it. They will listen to Mozart in the concert hall or the punk in a club; their clothes are as likely to come from the thrift store as they are a boutique shop; they have Architecture Digest on the coffee table while they watch MTV Cribs. They consult the Oxford English Dictionary but double-check the Urban Dictionary. Culture vultures are especially good at talking about low art and culture with the same insight and intelligence as high art.

While I have always preferred the later symphonies of Beethoven to that infernal racket they play across the hall, when Liz came over, she explained that Beethoven was "giving the finger to the man" just like punk. It wasn't my first clue that she was a culture-vulture. On our second date, she wanted to show me some graffiti across the street from the museum where we saw the Surrealist drawings. We stopped to get a hot dog but she insisted on putting her own Dijon mustard on it, which she pulled out of her knockoff Gucci bag as though it were no big deal. Culture vulture, indeed!

by pseudo-nympho November 14, 2013

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Soy Culture

Art, Music, Writing, Videos, Podcasts, Movies, TV Shows, and Games, created by Social Justice Warriors, usually involving gender swapping male and female roles, endless use of Virtue Signaling.

Examples include rebooting or creating new sequels to books, movie, and video game franchises that corrects some "wrong think" from the original story line as perceived by the SJW crowd.

Anyone who dislikes Soy Culture is instantly called a Sexist, Racist, or Bigot.

Why do we even bother paying to watch their Soy Culture destroy our childhood memories, once again the SJWs ruined Star Wars for everybody else.

by SrcMaker October 3, 2019

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culture fag

A person who is compelled to consume cultural offerings of all kinds, especially theater, dance and opera.

Unless it was Monday, you could scarcely find Bruce at home in the evenings. As an inveterate culture fag he was compelled to take in all forms of entertainment and had subscriptions to the Public Theater, the Metropolitan Opera, BAM, The Roundabout, New York City Ballet and was a member of at least 7 museums.

by porkalvin February 17, 2011

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the lifestyle of a nerd

Kaleigh Pedersen spends all her time looking up brainy quotes; she lives in a nerd-culture.

by Benjamin Buttoned November 13, 2010

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Cultural Capital

Knowledge gained from a wide array of experiences that one has gained through the course of thier life, thus enabling them to succeed more so than someone from a less experienced background.

Barack Obama knows more about the world because of the cultural capital he has accumulated throughout his life time.

by Bronko11 December 31, 2009

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cultural reset

A moment that is generally agreed to have had a significant influence on pop culture and everyday life. While the term was coined by Rose McGowan in context of the #MeToo movement, and is mostly associated with the K-pop community, the phenomenon is universal and a basic component of how culture works.

Real world events such as social/political movements, the election of a new U.S. President, major catastrophes and disasters, as well as entertainment such as movies, music and TV, can all function as cultural resets. Notable cultural resets in relatively recent memory include:

* The Beatles appearing on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964
* The Watergate scandal of 1974
* The release of Nevermind by Nirvana in 1991
* The September 11, 2001 attacks
* The election and inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009
* The COVID-19 pandemic
"The Nineties politically started with the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989 and the Soviet Union dissolving on December 26, 1991, and ended with both the 2000 Presidential election which saw the victory of George W. Bush and the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 which left people so stupefied that it functioned as something of a cultural reset button." - TV Tropes' article on the 1990s

by ♥🗺☠ May 22, 2021

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